05 марта 2014 года в05.03.2014 15:04 5 0 10 2

This house is a circus, berserk as fuck
We tend to see that as a perk though. Look
What it's done to your friends their memories are pretend
And the last thing they want is for the feeling to end

(c) Arctic Monkeys lyrics

This is what I am today, rested at home to avoid the illness. Don't really know, is it a good idea or what? Having no true home tiring, making sick. They rase me like a child, so am I - a child with broken dreams and nice pretty face; a child with no lovers or friends and with a strange love to alcohol and drugusers; a child with cheap clothes and hate to the rulling classes. A child…


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«Покрутим еще»

А мы еще поборемся, еще попробуем. Ангел-хранитель, я знаю, что это ты, тут даже думать не надо. И не надо открывать свои мысли, и не над...