10 декабря 2013 года в10.12.2013 16:27 0 0 10 1

I can't erase it anymore
It follows me everywhere I go
It's like a mask that I don't
Want to wear anymore
I think I've found a way to let it go
But it's still to soon
To know for sure
I'd give everything I am
Just to feel something

(Can you feel that?)

When the pressure breaks me
When it's too hard to see
When I feel like I'm
At the end of my rope
One more time

When the fire burns me
When it's hard to break free
When I feel like I'm
Standing on the edge
Of it all this time

I can't suppress it anymore
Here it comes like a flood
Just like before
When it rains, it pours
And I don't want to swim anymore

I think I've found a way to let it go
I don't know, I've never
Felt this way before
But with everything I am
I just let go

(Can you feel it?)

When the pressure breaks me
When it's too hard to see
When I feel like I'm
At the end of my rope
One more time

When the fire burns me
When it's hard to break free
When I feel like I'm
Standing on the edge
Of it all this time

You make me wanna scream…

It's not a joke
I've felt as messed up as you do
I've felt the feelings
You've been feeling
Been through the same things
You've been through
And I know how hard it is
To feel like you're alone
We've all been given a second change
But the choice is all our own
(It was right there in front of me)

When the pressure breaks me
When it's too hard to see
When I feel like I'm
At the end of my rope
One more time

When the fire burns me
When it's hard to break free
When I feel like I'm
Standing on the edge
Of it all this time

Standing on the edge
Of it all this time


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