28 сентября 2013 года в28.09.2013 09:56 3 0 10 1

Love is Kind

How come love was simpler when I could barely stand?

Worrying was harder when I had to hold your hand

‘Cause my two feet hadn’t yet learned how to walk

And my own voice hadn’t yet come out to talk

But I knew love because I knew you

And I believed that everything you told me

Would come out true

‘Cause love is patient, and love is kind

Love delights in the truth and is all you need to find

But as I grew older I learned to complicate

Things you made so simple and I did some things I hate

And I became so afraid of making mistakes

‘Cause one hard fall is all that it takes

To make you question the man you thought you’d be

And I began to question the bright things you see in me

But love is patient, and love is kind

Love doesn’t keep a record of what’s behind

And I’ve heard my strength comes from your joy

Maybe that’s why I felt stronger when I was a boy

Maybe I grew up too fast, or maybe I never did

But I learned to bury and to chain

And from you I ran and hid

You know I want to finish strong

But I’m having trouble at the start

And I’ve forgotten where to dig

To unearth my beating heart

But love is patient, and love is kind

Love revives the heart and transforms the mind

And you say, son, throw your delight on me

And you’ll become the man you want to be

And my love will never fail you

No, I will never fail you

And always remember

That love is kind


This. All of it.. right now.


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