17 июля 2013 года в17.07.2013 18:12 1 0 10 1



1. How come I end up where I went wrong?

2. Then a sheer drop.


1. I'm trapped in this body and can't get out.

2. Has the light gone out for you? Cause the light's gone for me.


Don't get any big ideas. They're not gonna happen. You paint yourself white and fill up with noise, but there'll be something missing. Now that you've found it - it's gone. Now that you feel it - you don't. You've gone off the rails. So don't get any big ideas, they're not gonna happen. You'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking.


1. Why should I stay here? Why should I stay?

2. I follow to the edge of the earth and fall off.


I am a moth who just wants to share your light, I'm just an insect trying to get out of the night.


Reckoner - can you take it with you? Disavow the pleasure. You were not to blame for bittersweet distractors.


I never really got there, I just pretended that I had.


When I'm at the pearly gates - this'll be on my videotape. When Mephistopheles is just beneath and he's reaching up to grab me. This is one for the good days and I have it all here in red blue green. You are my center when I spin away out of control on videotape. This is my way of saying goodbye because I can't do it face to face, so I'm talking to you before it's too late. No matter what happens now. I shouldn't be afraid because I know today has been the most perfect day I've ever seen.


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