29 июня 2013 года в29.06.2013 18:35 2 0 10 3

Argentine Spanish

“no le llega auga al tanque” = he’s not there

“a las chapas” = to go really fast

“arrastar el ala” = to make a romantic advance on someone

“lo atamos con alambre” = to jerry-rig it, MacGyver-it

“bajá un cambio!” = Chill Out! Relax!

“cara rota” = a shameless person

“caer como peludo de regalo”
= a way to say a unwanted guest shows up unexpectedly

“calavera no chilla” = you get what you deserve

“calienta la pava pero no ceba los mates” = he or she is a tease

“cerrado como culo de muñeca”
= closed like a doll’s ass

“faltan cinco pa’l peso” = to come up short

“echar panza”
= to let go of yourself, to settle down and get fat

“comerse un huesito”
= to sleep with a hot babe

“echar un polvo”
= to fuck

“no dejar titere con cabeza”
= to take no prisoners

“estar en el horno” = to be stressed out or in a bad situation

“dejate de joder”
= get out of town! You gotta be joking!

“echar un cloro”
= take a piss

“más loco que una cabra con pollitos”
= crazier than a goat with chicks

“le faltan algunos jugadores” = he is out of his mind, he is dumb

“medio pelo”
= mediocre

“hacer gancho”
= to play matchmaker, to set to lover’s up

“meter la mula” = to rip someone off

“hablar hasta por los codos”
= to talk someone’s ear off

“la verdad de la milanesa” = the real deal

“hacerse la mosquita muerta” = to act innocently after doing something wrong

“mojar la chaucha” = to get laid

“hasta las manos” = to be busy, have your hands full

“ni a ganchos!” = no way

“ni a palos!” = no way

“mala leche”
= bad luck

“no dá”
= sorry, unacceptable, that doesn’t fly

“más dificil que cagar en un frasquito”
= more difficult than shitting in a little jar

“la noche está en pañales” = the night is young

“ponerse la camiseta”
= to be a team player

“que parte la tierra! = wow what a beautiful woman!

“me pica el bagre”
= I’m hungry

“qué pica toca?”
= What is his story? Whats up with him?

“un pelo de la concha tira mas que una yunta de bueyes” = one pussy hair pulls more than a team of oxen

“al pedo como teta de monja” = useless like tits on a nun

“me quema la cabeza” = it blows my mind

“tirame las agujas” = give me some time

“la sacaste barata”
= you were lucky

“tener una vena”
= to be super pissed off

“saltar la ficha” = to blow a fuse

“tirame la goma” = suck my dick

“tomátela! = fuck you!

“tomalo con soda” = calm down, take it easy

“tirar los galgos” = to flirt or hit on someone


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