05 июня 2013 года в05.06.2013 06:25 39 0 10 1

Dear Haylee,

I don’t know how much do I need to write to describe everything we’ve been through this year. It is going to be really hard to write this letter, and I cant promise it will be logical at times haha but I will try my best. Remember first day at the airport? When I saw you first, and I waved at you or you waved at me first, I don’t even remember who did it first AND WHY DO I EVEN CARE ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW but I remember I saw you and I thought YESS!!! I couldn’t tell for sure what is your character like or what is common between us but “she looks like someone I might get along with” I thought and as time shows, I wasn’t mistaken. You ve became my sister, and not just host-sister, but REAL sister. You ve became my other part, and oh well, I am already crying, and it’s only the beginning of the letter haha You’ve been very kind to me from the very beginning and it made me feel more relaxed and it helped me to adjust to this life almost right away. I didn’t miss my parents, my friends from Ukraine in the beginning mostly because I had you, you made my first days here a lot easier than I expected them to be. As soon as debate season started I had your support there too, and it made me feel more self-confident. Yeah, on one side I look like I am like “ YAH MAAAN I OWN THIS PLACE YO BIATCHES BE LIKE LOOK AT HER” but on the inside no, I wasn’t. Not from the very beginning, especially with the whole blonde-you-know-who-guy thing I had. Not like he is Voldemort, but I just don’t want to call his name haha And you helped me to feel more confident in myself, to feel more like I fit in. And eventually I did, and now I cant imagine my life without half of the people you introduced to me. Continuing debate topic, during and after debate tournaments, your support and how much you helped – I cant explain how grateful I am for it. I mean, part of my success in oratory this year was because of your help, cause you basically started it for me, helped me to make my ‘first oratory steps’ like a mama helping a baby to start walking….WTF AM I TALKING ABOUT ANYWAY yeah, you ve been there for me for the whole debate season and thank you so much for believing in me. Another thing is boys. I am very sorry that you had to listen to all the drama I had this year, starting from Mickey ending with Nikita LOOK ON THE ROAD MAN haha but that’s a different story. But I hope you’ve learned something from my mistakes ;) What I definitely learned is that I will never be able to marry an American dude, they are too confusing for me haha My not a love-story with blonde-you-know-who was especially super dramatic, from one side, MY SIDE haha But I feel like Liam was something I started partially for you. Remember that wings game when we went alone and first game I asked him to hang out? The reason why I did it was partially you. I asked if I should and you didn’t think I will at first, and more than that, I didn’t think I will haha and than you said this phrase, something like “I could never do it” and I thought that I want to show that its not that hard so I did it, I went and talked to him, and it was successful at the time haha, and when I came back I wanted you to see that if I can, why cant you? Throughout the year I was trying to make you feel more confident in yourself because I know you deserve it and you have all the right to feel confident CAUSE YOU ARE AWESOME but you just couldn’t. That was kind of my goal, and I am not sure if I helped you at all this year, but I really hope I did J And of course, last one, Nikita. Thank you so much for being there, listening about him, GOING ON A ROADTRIP for me after all. He maybe isn’t worth it, but he is a very good guy, he is just dumm, that’s his prob haha He made me feel better at the time and thank you for understanding that I need him and actually listening about him, and telling me your opinion. It meant so much for me, you cant even imagine. Yeah, when I look back, I want to laugh at all of them, but I am really happy that all of those times when I had my personal life drama going on you were there for me and you helped me to get through it. Third thing I would talk about is country road! YEEEEY! I don’t know if someone will even see it, someone other than you or our common friends, so I am going to write in a C O D E haha I know you dont really approve all of the choices I made, and I don’t know if this is one of them or not, but just know that I am very grateful that you were actually taking us places, and letting us do all of it, cause it made life for us, for me, a lot easier. And even if you think about, how much fun did we have while doing it, especially in the winter when it was like freeeezing cold haha Also, thank you for being our mama after Spencer’s house hanging outs and Abbie’s house and all the times we were too tired for everything. Such a caring sister awwww NO I WONT STOP. Fourth – I will never forget our trips. My first times in Minneapolis, Black Hills, Chicago, ACCIDENTALY GOING TO MINNEAPOLIS INSTEAD OF SIOUX FALLS haha yeah all of them were a lot of fun and I cant tell you how happy I am that you were there with me, especially Chicago, NEVER FORGET IT, because of multiple reasons J Do u remember our step run in the hotel during exchange student trip? Or going down to the lobby at nights in Chicago hotel YAAAAH LOOOBBYYYY haha Or sliding down those tablets or how you call them during Black Hills trip? SHOPPING IN MINNEAPOLIS? And how about FUN. CONCERT? Its best time of my life, no kidding. Another thing is all of our inside jokes, there are so many I cant even think about all of them now haha LOOK ON THE ROAD MAN – MNE POHUY haha or fish faces to the camera. Or DAAAAANG SHANIQUA! Baby what you do and where you at where you at. This could take me the whole day, remembering all the good times we had. I want to write more but there are so many little things we had, I feel like it would be boring to read so I gueeeeees I am moving on. I always told you how much I hate Aberdeen, but honestly, I love it. It’s my home. As well as you are a part of my family, you are a part of my heart forever. Not just a part even, you are my other half. My twensieeee <3

I want to say thank you for everything and I am sorry for everything I’ve done wrong too. I am sorry for being annoying at time maybe, I am sorry for being too demanding, I am sorry for being to emotional at time, I am sorry for everything I’ve ever done wrong or that made you sad, I never meant to. I love you Haylee. I cant write more cause it just makes me emotionally unstable right now, I am already dead, I cried my eyes out writing letters and goodbye notes and I just cant handle it. You influenced me this year a lot. You helped me to realize some things, you helped me to become who I am right now, and it’s in hundreads better version of what I was when I just got here. I am really glad that we spent this year together, that we were learning from each other, and its also a part of good in all of this, the fact that we are becoming who we are with the help of each other, and it bounds us, it makes us very close and because of it nothing will ever be able to tear us apart. I hope I influenced you too, in a good way, of course except for sometime country roads and staff haha JK LOL but I hope you took something from me and I wasn’t useless. I am waiting for you in Ukraine. I am 100% confident that we will see each other again, and not even once! We will never loose what we have, I promise. We might be apart but you should always remember that you ll be with me, inside, in my heart, wherever I go! I am always here for you if you need someone to talk to, and I am pretty sure that we will talk and snapchat every day haha but one thing I want you to remember is never underestimate yourself! You are amazing, and you should DROP IT LIKE ITS HOT DROP IT LIKE ITS HOT DROP IT LIKE ITS HOT haha no really, don’t loose confidence in yourself, you should walk into the school next year LIKE A BOSS and even though I am not with you, go there in your awesome outfit and make everyone think about how cool you look and be confident for both of us, you should be like triple me but better! I know you can do it ;) I am very excited to see all the good things you are going to do in future, all of your success and accomplishments. Good luck at school next year, take all of it, live your dreams and just live your life to the fullest, I want nothing but best for you! You know I could write a lot more, and this letter is probably not even that logical hahha but still, I tried to put all the most important staff in it and you know I AM FOREIGN YO I cant write in English at all, especially, me, cause I had so much homework this year that I hate English. JK LOL Anyway, you are my sister. My sister for life. My other half. And I want to continue being a part of your life even when we are in different parts of the world, as well as I want you to be in my life. We will never fade away, we will always be there for each other and I know I will never forget you. I love you, my little dinosaur. You are beautiful, always remember that and don’t let anyone say that you are not. I am going to miss you so much, and my life just wont be the same without you BUT we can make it, we will see each other sometime soon, I promise J

I love you,

Always and Forever,

Your Ukrainian Twinsie,

Ilona Kravchenko


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