Dear Andie,
I know I already wrote this in your yearbook and I’ve told you this before but it’s never too much haha You are one of the most amazing people I know. I was so happy to meet you this year! I remember first time we ve met each other, our first hanging outs, even the day you, me, Haylee and Claudia went to Storybook land. I don’t think me and Claudia were even talking then and I was all quiet in general that time haha We ve grown so much since that time, and I can say for sure, you were one of the greatest influences for me this year. Even at little things. For example, you were my biggest support at dance, even if you didn’t really think about it before, just the fact that we talked and laughed and you helped me with some dance moves – it all helped me, and made me feel more comfortable in a new group from the very beginning. In school, during our hanging outs, during dance – you ve been there for me, and cant find enough words to describe how much it means to me and how much I am thankful for it.
I love you Andie. I love your style, I love your confidence and responsiveness, I love your care and supportiveness. You ve been like a second sister for me this year, after my dinosaur-Haylee of course haha. I knew that if I have any questions I can ask you and you will always help me, and it is very important to me. Thank you for being such a nice friend for me this year. Remember me, all the fun we had together this year, and also remember that you have someone who will be there for you if you need it, even on the other side of the world, but I am still there if you need me. I am going to miss you soo much. Hope to see you sometime soon again !
Ilona <3