05 июня 2013 года в05.06.2013 06:25 3 0 10 2

Dear Claudia,

Okay I am really not sure how long this letter will be and how much do I want to write here about, because you know I could like use up all the paper and write and write and write about us and it still wouldn’t be enough but I guess I need to make it somehow logical and understandable, so I will try my best, just saying haha

I want to start off how we ve met. I mean yeah, we talked about it thousand time now but who knows if you will remember some things in 5 or 10 or 20 years when you will find this letter. How I saw you in Kesslers and they are like – oh this is Claudia, she is staying with Andie – and I am like HI(whoisclaudiawhoisandiewhyamieventalkingtothispeople) haha and then us walking down Storybook Land, I really though who hate me haha I mean we just didn’t talk at all because it was beginning of everything, but I feel like it was just funny how I though you hate me and I am like ‘ohh but she is nice I like her we could be friends ‘ haha and then at your house, I really think that was the moment when we actually started talking. When we had this sixties dress up party, me in that pink dress, and when Haylee and Andie went upstairs and I asked you about alchohol in Germany and staff, and this is when we got closer haha OF COURSE BECAUSE OF IT I mean YOLO anyway, then our Rooster thing, and you know I wish I could think differently back then, think like I should still hanging out with you instead of being just around. Also, remember that night we were walking around when Andie and Haylee were at the Rooster? That was the first time you started talking about Tyler with me, and at first I thought you will get over it pretty fast, or you guys will really have a thing cause I was still in my European mind set and I was so dumm and I kinda blame myself for some of it, your texting with Tyler I mean. Cause I remember you asked me what should I do, should I ask him to hang out or text him more and I said suuuure do that he wont say no cause I really still had a thing how we do it in Europe, how we just hang out with guys and they don’t freak out about it in the beginning, and now I look back there and if I thought about it more we would text him something else, and figure out a better way, and maybe you and him would start up differently. But I am dumm, so yeah I kinda still blame myself for it, although I really liked that evening. In school, I think we were more afraid of each other first days, and not even afraid but just aware, cause we didn’t know how close we are going to be and will we even be friends at all, and we were both nice to each other but I had a feeling you don’t like me and you thought AMA RUSSIAN BITCH YO haha and now I just want to smile when I think about it J I wouldn’t call our first days together as the “beginning of the huge friendship for lie” but look where we are now. I cant imagine my life without you. And it’s so weird, cause I never had a friend so close like this before, with Lera it’s different, and here I don’t know what to do, how to behave when I am not with you, because it’s just too many things that bound us, too much staff we went through together, and it made us so close, so close that we will never let it go. I’ve told you too, about first things I thought about you. I thought that you are really nice, and that you have your own personal style, not like a hipster but not tasteless, it’s just unique, how you combine staff, how you make things I wouldn’t even thought about mixing looking awesome. Anywaay, when it comes to style, I can talk a lot haha I also thought that we can be friends, but that we wont be like we are now. I didn’t even think about us in that way. (I write like I’m your boyfriend, we are a couple and I am telling you my feelings haha) And if I look back throughout the whole year I had only two moments when I was pissed at you like FOR REALS and it was homecoming and that one day I don’t even remember it, but still, it was even before I even knew you good and all other times after we started hanging out – I was never mad at you, I just couldn’t be mad at you. And I will never be able to be mad at you because you are just my Maaaario. I think things changed when I started hanging out with you like from December, like how we were talking at my birthday and then this whole interview thing. Winter break was a lot of fun with you, I think that was the time we became close enough, for just good friends, cause I actually changed my class for you, which you know me, I m like nananah not doing anything for anyone, but at that time I wanted to start spending more time with you and hanging out with you and I just loved you. I ll never forget our New Years, it was a lot of fun, and I am glad I was with you that time, even in River’s car, when we went home from Kesslers and stopped at the Y, it wasn’t even one yet haha it was a pretty awesome New Year (in terms of Aberdeen I would say haha). Then our walkasize, talking about so much staff, and remember, we were like OOOH YAAA I CANT IMAGINE I AM GOING HOME PRETTY SOON THERE IS NO TIME LEFT and it was like in January. And now here I am, leaving tomorrow, writing you this letter. Third term was my favorite one. I liked fourth one too, because it was just relaxed, but third was full of drama and interesting things happening haha plus I am very glad that we had a class like walkasize together cause that way we were able to talk about staff cause we had time to haha Anyway, third term, my start when I talked with Liam for an hour about nothing, and then I remember I told you and you were like WHAT and then I go to econ and guess who is where and you were like I FUCKING HATE YOU haha Third term was just amazing, I wouldn’t change anything about it, like what we were doing, how we were walking to see Tyler in the hallway, standing by Pirlet’s room everyday together, I wouldn’t change any of that, I would just change my texting with Liam I think, but otherwise, you know what, I think we did everything the way It was supposed to happen and duck them, they were interested, they wanted it, but it was just too many things that made it impossible to happen AND GINGI IS ONE OF THEM….JK LOL no but really remember how we hated him, and we thought that he ducked up everything for us. We never know, but I will never forget is smile and Hey at me at after-prom. Heeeeee is sneaky. And starting up with wings players, you know, when I think about it, you were the one why I started it and got over there, and thank you for that, because even though, yeah I feel dumm and I was hurt but it is nothing comparing to what we ve got from them this year. Even when you just listen to those songs like Cinema, This is our house, Wagon Wheel – I just see not them or games, I see US at the games, talking about them, walking next to them, us sharing after first block “OH YAH HE STARED AT YOU” “YEAH I SAW YOURS STARED AT YOU TOO” and then we both just laugh and smile because guess what THEY STARED AT US ! We are soo dumm haha More memories with Wings don’t make me think about Liam or Tyler, it makes me think of us at the games, discussing everyone, who plays how. At the Y, same thing. I kinda feel like Y was one of our best times spent together everyday after school, it was fun!! Or remember our inside jokes and description for everyone on the team? Like Gingi never plays LOOOOOOOOSEEEEEEER or his voice I AM A BARBIE GIRL IN A BARBIE WOOOORLD haha I feel like if he and Morgan were talking you couldn’t even tell who is who, both are babies haha Or Liam, remember his quote, “Yeah I don’t know Cisar is a mess” and then you are like “Yah tell me about it” haha Or Tyler.Oh, Tyler. He definitely has a staring problem, like no kidding. Remember how he creeped by when we were in the car? Haha or the way he walks, I feel like I will make fun of it to the rest of my life haha Hands on the backpack, on the shoulders, this whole staring at Claudia look going on and I can see like a song in his head when he is walking down the hallway I AM WINGS PLAYER AND I KNOW IT. Tyler and Liam. Blondie and Brownie. Bear and Moose. When I think about names we gave them I am like ARE WE DUMM but then it like OH YEAH TRUE WE ARE haha I don’t know, I am happy that because of them I got you, and that’s all that matters. And believe me, if we really come here in two years and we all are so awesome, and they still play in the wings OOOOOH CLAAAAUDIA BELIEVE ME we would hang out. And you would definitely try some CISAR SALAD with some CISAR DRESSING and I would ride a bear, not even once. SOUNDS SOO NASTY HAHAHA anyway, you know, we will get over it, you know it, I am over it, like I said yesterday I don’t need him, whenether I think about it I am sad because I was so dumm and I am angry at myself, it is not because I am not over him. And for you, Tyler will always be your first real love. Just an adventure, a crush in America you will remember forever. But you have someone special waiting for you at home, so I am not worried about you ;) Hard party with Hardy Boccardy ha? Mmm anyways haha This whole wings players thing got a little too big, it just they were a huge part of our lives, and they basically are the reason why we got so close, so I felt like I need to tell you all of this. Also, I am sorry about the last drama with Liam and all of them. I am sorry that I didn’t let go it earlier and made you feel worse. I don’t know, I look back and I am soo angry at myself cause I was so dumm!!!! But we cant change anything, I know. Just wanted to tell you that I am sorry. I should have been a better friend. And I thought I was trying to but I didn’t. I remember last wings game, I want to laugh a lot actually, even at my house, I still have a picture, when it’s their pictures on the blanket and a box of Kleenexes hahah that was funny. We are soo dumm haha I don’t know, every minute I spent with you was awesome. Every time I was around you I just wanted to laugh, or just smile but it was like I AM WALKING ON SUNSHINEE…JK LOL not in a nasty way though hahahaha And you just made my life better. There are so many things I love about you I cant even describe all of them, because it s sooo many. You have a very bright personality, you are very funny. You make me laugh all the time, and sometimes you don’t even realize that but some things are just soo funny, it made my day every day, cause every day we had something to laugh about. Also, you are gorgeous. I ve told you this a lot of times, all the things I love about your appearance. Your eyes are extremely beautiful, they are just magnetizing. Your hair is perfect, it’s curly and it looks awesome without you even trying. I’ve told you about your style, it’s just very you and that all I can tell. AND REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY YOU ARE RIGHT NOW. Always remember it, and don’t let anyone change your opinion or make you feel like you are not BECAUSE YOU ARE ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE I KNOW. You also are very caring. You are right, you are like a mama. Not like a horror-movie mama though hahah And when I listen to you, talking about your mum I always think about how you are a lot like your mum, how you care about other people more about yourself. And I know that is something different in us, that I didn’t care as much about anyone except for myself and you are thinking about everyone except for yourself. You changed me in this. I was trying to change, and I hope I did cause I cant fully say if I did, but I was trying to, and I cared about you more than about anyone else here. And what I was trying to tell you is that you should start caring more about yourself. And don’t get me wrong I think its amazing how caring you are but you should stop caring about everyone. You need to think about your family, about your closest friends and yourself more than about anyone else, don’t think about how you will hurt someone’s feelings and don’t do something because of it – because in the end they are the ones who are going to hurt you. And you don’t deserve being hurt.I AM GONNA BREAK THEIR NOSES BETCHES IF SOMEONE HURTS MA BABY CLAUDIA MKAAAAY I don’t want you to change but I just want you to remember my words and just be more careful because you really don’t deserve being hurt, you don’t do that to Claudia, naaaah. You are amazing. You are like too good to be true and I am super lucky with you, that I’ve met you and we’ve got so close. And here I am, time to say the last last goodbye words, the end of the letter, I guess. Even though I leave now, it doesn’t change anything. You are still going to be my Maaaario and I am going to be your Ukraine yo and we still will be the same as we are right now. I know I had a lot of people who told me the same thing, and they were like yeah we are forever blabla and in the end, after a month – there is no one there. But I promise you, I am not gonna let this happen. Nothing will tear us apart. Not distance, not time, not years and other friends, not work, our future husbands and children – NO ONE will be able to make us forget about each other. I promise you – we will never fade away. I know at home there is going to be a lot happening, a lot of bad and good staff and I just want you to know that I am always going to be there for you, always and forever. No matter what is going on in my life, how bad I will feel or how busy I am going to be, I don’t care, I am going to be there for you! I cant promise we will see each other soon, but we will see each other again for sure. TOMORROWLAND like no kidding. I am serious about it, it’s not just words, nope, even if you don’t want to – you still will have to go there with me ! Do you remember our song?

This is where the chapter ends

and new one out begins

time has come for letting go

the hardest part is when you know

All of these times when we were here are ending

but I'll always remember

We have had the time of our lives

and now the page is turned

the stories we will write

we have had the time of our lives

and I will not forget the faces left behind

it's hard to walk away from the best of days

but if it has to end, I'm glad you have been my friend

in the time of our lives

We say goodbye, we hold on tight

to these memories that never die

Exactly, our memories will never die. We will always have it all here, in our hearts. We will always see each other in your heads, like even while ordering food or hearing someone saying MEEEE TOO! We will never say goodbye my love, it’s not permanent, we will never say goodbye, we will see each other not once, not even twice. We will be there, we will always be there for each other, and maybe all of them think that it’s not serious, that we cant be such good friends – time will pass, and time will show everyone how true we are and I am sure in us, I am pretty sure we are going to be together for a long time. It’s not just words. It’s true. And in the end, I just want to tell you that you always have me, no matter what is going on in your life, I am always with you, in your heart. You just need to look inside, and I stand there, see? J I love you, Claudia. I love you more than anything in this world and you are my best friend, best friend for life, best friend forever! Never forget this, and never forget that I believe in you. You can do anything you want in this world, I believe in you. I love you. Always and forever. Ilona


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