29 апреля 2013 года в29.04.2013 21:32 2 0 10 1

there’s been a lot of upsetting, very upsetting things that i can’t allow to happen any more. i have to be like a soldier and march away. ‘cause i’m very delicate in a lot of ways, and things get to me, affect me in a very adverse manner. i don’t need that, don’t need that. i feel now like minus something, you know, i feel faded. i don’t feel like i’m all here. i think it’ll come back, i hope it’ll come back. there’s a lot of color missing from the way i feel, and from my face, you know, just everything. there’s some kind of zest or some kind of… life, you know, that seems to be faded temporarily because i’ve been so drained emotionally from a number of things. that has to slowly build back up, it has to be kept sustained. it can’t be allowed to be diminished.(c) Swans


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