11 февраля 2013 года в11.02.2013 19:27 15 0 10 1

you don’t know me.

Some things I know you see on first sight
My hair, my smile and even my height
But you don’t know me.

The scar on my face, the one on my knuckle
You may recognize the sound of my chuckle
But you don’t know me.

It all looks so easy
I’m corny and cheesy
But you don’t know me.

I’m lucky, you’re green.
I’m nice or I’m mean
But you don’t know me.

I’m quiet, I’m loud
A snob or I’m not in your crowd
But you don’t know me.

The things that I have in my life
Weren’t always so good, we all have some strife
But you don’t know me.

The darkness, the basement, the lies and the tears
The sounds of the yelling, rings in my ears
But you don’t know me.

What I’ve overcome to be who I am
I really don’t care if you don’t give a damn
Because you don’t know me

The smile I wear, it’s not just a mask
I’d tell you the truth if you happened to ask
Because you don’t know me

The light and the dark that make up my soul
Are the sum of the pieces that make up my whole
Because you don’t know me

Be careful before you make up your mind
Or if you hear someone being unkind
Because you don’t know me

You may not really know me
But I certainly do
And sometimes I wonder if you’d like to?


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