01 февраля 2013 года в01.02.2013 23:25 8 0 10 1


I wake up at 02:24 in the middle of the night. Crying. My face is covered with tears. I sob. Sleeping and sobbing.

I dream of the prom. I dream of the praesidium from my exams, people who played an important role in my life and destiny. They have different appearence, different from the real one, but I am sure what they mean and symbolize.

I dream of my first day of internship, about all the troubles. I feel distracted and scare, misunderstood and lonely.

I bup into my groupmates. They feel the same way as well.

I am at the reunion or prom again. There are a lt of my teachers. All of them are speaking about somithing important that can help us in our future, making advice.

There, in the big beautiful hall I'm building a towel. From plastic plates. Or cups. Or small balls. At the very top of the tower I'm trying to put a head of some bright teacher of mine or of some brilliant doctor. This is not a real head. It is a ball that symbolizes it. It is wearing a bowler hat. The doctor is very old and experiences that's why the tower is extremely high. It reaches the balcony of the second floor of the hall. The tower barely stands, sways and staggers. The hat is falling all the time.

I leave the party. Say goodbye to my groupmates. I'm in the park or gardn near the hall. It is a dark night. Almost all the people left. The next day is 1st of August and the beginning of the internship. The new life. We understand that we won't have each other any more.

I am walking through the botanical garden locared on the seaside on the shore. There are a lot of monkey on the trees. We are walking and talking of the places we can go if we failed in medicine. I say that in any case we can take care of this animals.

Than I walk home along through another garden. I cry.


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