26 декабря 2012 года в26.12.2012 18:03 0 0 10 1


Audioslave — супергруппа, состоявшая из бывших инструменталистов группы «Rage Against the Machine» Тома Морелло (гитарист), Тима Коммерфорда (бас-гитарист и сопровождающий вокал) и Брэда Уилка (ударные), а также Криса Корнелла (бывший ведущий вокалист и ритм-гитарист группы Soundgarden ) в качестве ведущего вокалиста. Группа сформировалась после распада «Rage Against the Machine».

One And The Same

You wear a mask with a target
Keep your enemies closer
You fall in love from a great height,
Now the easy part's over
Choose your battles, not your soldiers
You know they'll show their colors

Out of Exile

When you come down to take me home
send my soul away
When you come round you'll make me whole
send my soul away

Now the spires and the gables
grew in orchards to the sky
And the blessings on my table
multiply and divide

Be Yourself

Someone finds salvation in everyone
And another only fame
Someone tries to hide themself
Down inside their selfish brain
Someone swears his true love
Until the end of time
Another runs away
Separate or united?
Healthy or insane?


House is haunted
I just want to go for a ride
Out and on
Before I set this room alight
Left alone forever and for crimes unclear
With my patience gone
Someone take me far from here

Broken City

Now the sun won't shine on this part of the map anymore.
When it's cold outside I see her hide behind the smoke stacks.
Nothing grows, there's no gold rush, no miners, no revolution behind her.
And the shipyard is a graveyard, no one will be trying to find her.

Shadow of the Sun

And I can tell you why
People die alone
I can tell you I'm
A shadow on the sun

Yesterday to Tomorrow

And unlike the times before
From yesterday comes tomorrow
When life comes alive the past moves aside
No regrets and no remorse
We have more than everything
More than man or machine
More than luck
More than fiction
Higher than any religion


Well I know you got problems
I see it in your eyes
But if you want to live
To see the morning
Give it up to your brother
Or you'll get a surprise


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