05 декабря 2012 года в05.12.2012 11:36 8 0 10 1

10 g Boric acid + methanol + a couple drops of concentrated sulfuric acid in a water cooler jug… Swirled around to produce flammable boric acid trimethyl ester, B(H3CO) 3. Drop a burning splint and rapid combustion + a loud whoosh noise is what you get :) It’s green because boron compounds burn with a green flame.

Here is the production of the ester:

B(OH) 3 + 3 CH3OH —> B(H3CO) 3 + 3 H2O

Boric acid + methanol —> boric acid trimethyl ester + water

The reason for adding concentrated sulfuric acid is to shift the equilibrium to the right toward the ester because sulfuric acid is very hygroscopic (moisture absorbing) and it removes water from the system.


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