14 ноября 2012 года в14.11.2012 17:15 4 0 10 1

I wanna be a bottle blonde,
I don’t know how but I feel conned.
I wanna be an idle teen, I wish I hadn’t been so clean.
I wanna stay inside all day,
I want the world to go away.
I want blood, guts and chocolate cake,
I wanna be a real fake.

Yeah, I wish I’d been, I wish I’d been a teen, teen idle,
I wish I’d been a prom queen fighting for the title,
Instead of being sixteen I’m burning up a bible,
Feeling super! super! super! suicidal.

The wasted years,
The wasted youth,
The pretty lies,
The ugly truth.
And the day has come where I have died,
Only to find I’ve come alive.

I wanna be a virgin pure,
A 21st century whore.
I want back my virginity, so I can feel infinity.
I wanna drink until I ache,
I wanna make a big mistake.
I want blood, guts and angel cake,
I’m gonna puke it anyway.

Yeah, I wish I’d been, I wish I’d been a teen, teen idle,
I wish I’d been a prom queen fighting for the title,
Instead of being sixteen I’m burning up a bible,
Feeling super! super! super! suicidal.

The wasted years,
The wasted youth,
The pretty lies,
The ugly truth.
And the day has come where I have died,
Only to find I’ve come alive.
Come alive.
I’ve come alive.

I wish I wasn’t such a narcissist,
I wish I didn’t really kiss, the mirror when I’m on my own,
Oh god, I’m going to die alone.
Adolescence didn’t make sense,
A little loss of innocence.
The ugly years of being a fool,
Ain’t youth meant to be beautiful?

Yeah, I wish I’d been, I wish I’d been a teen, teen idle,
I wish I’d been a prom queen fighting for the title,
Instead of being sixteen I’m burning up a bible,
Feeling super! super! super! suicidal.

The wasted years,
The wasted youth,
The pretty lies,
The ugly truth.
And the day has come where I have died,
Only to find I’ve come alive.


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