04 сентября 2012 года в04.09.2012 21:32 3 0 10 4

У каждого из нас было такое состояние, когда не хочется никого видеть и слышать. Когда нет сил ничего делать и хочется отрешиться от этого мира. В такие моменты на помощь приходит музыка. Она как спасательный круг посреди океана помогает и дальше держаться на плаву. Она залечивает душу и заставляет двигаться дальше.

Down by the river by the boats
Where everybody goes to be alone,
Where you wont see any rising sun.
Down to the river we will run.

You left your home
You're so far from
Everything you know.
Your big dream is
Crashing down and out your door.
Wake up and dream once more.

But do you know?
It doesn't change
The way I feel 'bout you, at the end of the day,
'cause I know, that I all I want is what you got.
All I want, is what you got.

Everything will change.
Nothing stays the same.
And nobody here's perfect.
But everyone's to blame.

Crawling on the ash, she’s pitiful.
She lost her sense of light; she has to hold my hand.
Had I known we might be two kids without their jackets.
My fear would come alive, I wouldn’t loathe her now.
She might not make home tonight.

Come on skinny love, just last the year
Pour a little salt, we were never here
Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer
I tell my love to wreck it all
Cut out all the ropes and let me fall
Right in the moment this order's tall

Oh, please don't go
I want you so
I can't let go
For I lose control

I'm the ghost of a girl
That I want to be most.
I'm the shell of a girl
That I used to know well.

Спасибо, музыка, что ты есть.



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