07 августа 2012 года в07.08.2012 16:09 2 0 10 1

Dominique, you're probably already tired of me, but I want to write to you all, what I think.

I like you very much, I see in you the man, capable to actions. I'm really appreciate the fact that you don`t let me go.it`s valuable for me that you care about our communication. me too, but I did not behave as I could, because I'm constantly torments of the fact that we are too far from each other. when we communicate virtually, I think, that it means nothing, if you compare it with how everything could be if we`ll come to each other. but the problem is that all in all we`ll have to go home again, it`s terrible.

I would not allow myself to miss such a man as you if we lived closer, and even now I don't want to lose you. buuut just the idea that any period of time we spent together, firstly, will turn into something more than just communication, and secondly, at the end will be completed, kills morally!! because the more i`ll get accustomed to U, the more difficult it`ll be. and if we meet the affection will be inevitable, personally, for me.

I, honestly, don't know what I want to achieve with this message. perhaps, want to give you to understand, that U are IMPORTANT for me. I'm sorry that i wrote so much. please be indulgently, because I'm a woman, and it is important for us to speak) I say once again, that i don`t know the purpose of this posting (it doesn`t mean that i don`t want to see you or smth like that). probably just i want you to know what is in my head. in General, I don`t forget you, it`s really so


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