05 августа 2012 года в05.08.2012 17:03 2 0 10 1

I'm the tide, we both know I can't stay.

Yeah, it's me.

I won't stay and wait till you'll make mistake again.

I know an "easy way out - cut it out".

And then restart with someone else.

And set memories to the fire.

Only thing I am searching for - soulmate, cuz they never die.

And I loved you ('em), no matter what you've done, just because I believed.

You apoloziged for the hundred mistakes you've done, but when you just ereased me from your lives, that's not enough.

It hurts me so much, and everybody do know this.

I'm sure, you've talked about me. And now, enjoy. My evil didlo going out.


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