22 апреля 2012 года в22.04.2012 12:54 1 0 10 2

For those of you who don't know me.

My name is Sonya, I’m probably one of the most affable people you will meet, I’m sarcastic, so don’t take me too seriously. I’m 15 years of age, I was born in Latvia, I then went on and lived in 15 other countries, currently I reside in Latvia :), I’m straight, I do a lot of art and design, I’m a pacifist, I don’t believe in religion, I think that religion merely starts wars, and makes people hate one another. I listen to mainly indie music, but open to anything other than techno/hip hop, and like black liquorice more than an average being should. I’d like to be a tattoo artist when I’ve finished school, I like cats, I drink mainly coffee, I’m six foot four. My hair is light brown, I have brown eyes, but they can sometimes change colour. I do a lot of photography, and would one day like to see it as more than just a hobby. My room is rarely messy, I don’t like to wear shoes. I’m a fairly magnanimous person. I’m weird, but I don’t mind that. I don’t hate many things, the thing that I hate, is how today’s society is too mainstream, everyone wears the same things, listens to the same music, follows the same trends. I don’t drink, or smoke, I’m not against it, I just think that people can have fun without been drunk or high. I’m a Sagacious person. I see art in things that aren’t necessarily artistic. I like the colour red. I don’t eat fish and I have been told to be very jocular.


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