12 марта 2012 года в12.03.2012 21:39 1 0 10 1

Right now i am trying to finish a report for one conference. I have spent 2 years doig nothing, however, i was supposed to research Japanese and Chinese literature. Now i am about to finish this work. Two years and a complete zero of results…it is not a research, it is a simple compilation. but whatever. I hope i still have time to make a real research in future when i will be make the translation from ancient japanese by myself. That will be a masterpiece i promise.

Ehat else…i was planning to go to UU tomorrow in order to apply for a visa but now i think that i actually will stay home for another day because i still have some things to do. Moreover, i got sick. I have a fever, headache and my eyes hurt…

It is almost 4 am in the morning and i am sitting in front of my computer. Well, it happens to be a normal thing in my life. I am turning into some sort of a social net maniac. I need to fight with it, but it is so hard to resist.


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