06 августа 2010 года в06.08.2010 05:40 5 0 10 1

весь день с тобой с тобой с тобой с тобой

В этот четверг

/только мы с тобой/

давай поиграем в докторов

от моего сердца провод

к твоему сердцу

а из груди рвется солнечный шторм

если бы мне предложили, стереть всё это, и начать новую жизнь. Я бы сказала:
" ребята, я мазохист"

хорошо что папа не знает
каких я люблю мальчиков

мы ушли молодыми. А на моем месте старик.

Кстати, мне обещали, что счастье накроет летом.

используй тело и воображение. да, только тело и воображение

Мооооой малыыыш гдееее тыыы?!
я здесь
видимо не там ищешь)

Answer Ask Friends Kudalashka answered 3 weeks ago да
желаю удачи

Answer Ask Friends Kudalashka answered 2 months ago че вредная такая?)
обычная вроде

когда люди поймут, что такое постоянство?

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on July 24, 2010 at 9:28 p.m.

how many relationships have you been in?

If you could have a super power, what would it be?
To be able to have any power i want.

Answer Ask Friends Jo0 answered 7 months ago What was the happiest moment in your life?
November 11, 2008 for certain reasons..

Josiah Rosandich

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on July 24, 2010 at 9:00 p.m.

BrendonMartins (

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on July 24, 2010 at 8:53 p.m.

Dude what a creeper askin about your BF, kid get a life haha and a girl.
ahaaahhhaaa. i like you.

Answer Ask Friends carolinely answered 3 months ago Stay with your boyfriend. dont leave him.
i dont plan on leaving him.

Answer Ask Friends carolinely answered 3 months ago not even for someone 10 times better then him?

Answer Ask Friends carolinely answered 3 months ago Who would you leave your bf for
no one.

Answer Ask Friends carolinely answered 3 months ago what do you like most about your Boy Friend?
hes funny & amazing & he treats me like a princess :)

Answer Ask Friends carolinely answered 3 months ago do you have a boyfriend?
yes I do.

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on July 24, 2010 at 8:48 p.m.

indeed it is

that chick your wth is banging
well thats not very nice

whats up with u and that girl?
specific lol come talk to me in person or w.e. dont hide behind formspring

;] hey brendon why are you sucha cutie
o stop it u :)

hahaha i like your repsonee to the lastt ?haha
thank you that wasnt a question tho why did u put a ?

Answer Ask Friends BrendonIzower answered 5 months ago ur absolutely adorable…what do u notice first about a girl?
thanks and idk their face….unless they are really fat then prob their body cuz its gross

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on July 24, 2010 at 8:40 p.m.

Do you? Or do you simple interact with me?

Would you rather date a lot of different people, or be in a committed relationship?
committed relationship

If you were President of the United States what's one thing you would do or change?
are you nuts? there is no way you want me to be president.

Who's the sexiest man alive?
i googled the question and people magazine told me Johnny Depp

Who inspires you the most?
no1 really

your cutee.
well this is nice u should text me

you are a complusive liar.
thats interesting cuz i dont really lie much, wat have i lied about

why do you still have a picute with your ex girlfriend..
-cuz i dont care enough to delete them i have better things to do with my time

-vv i agree cuz its weird cuz u have a new gf and she has a new bf soo..looks like u still love ur ex
-really? not at all i completely moved on and so should she

you seem really mean
-but im really not, well unless i dont like u but then u prob did something for me not to like you

alexa's so pretty, you guys are cute, why arent you going out…?
i dont want to date

все наши игры на полу

- Какая у тебя любимая цифра?
- Семь.
- Потому что семь цветов радуги?
- Потому что семь грехов.

dude why are you so rude to alexa?
rude how?….why are u writing so many things on my formspring if u have so much to say then come to me in person

go to sleep.
why would u put this on formspring

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on July 24, 2010 at 8:25 p.m.

shag is?

a love ya bbym dont worrrry about all them gayssssssssss
(: thanks

why you such a babe ? :) x
duno but thanks (:

hate cha long time ;)
lush (:

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on July 24, 2010 at 8:12 p.m.

shame she's with someone else: P
so u think: P

Answer Ask Friends brendon1993 answered 4 months ago oo-er, so you got a girl in mind aye?; D
yh course: P

Answer Ask Friends brendon1993 answered 4 months ago for now aye?
yh ---- but hopefully not for long; P

Answer Ask Friends brendon1993 answered 4 months ago single?
4 now y

whats up with u and that guyl?


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