WHERE IS SNOW?? I ASK YOU, WHERE THE FUCKING SNOW IS?? It's 16th of DECEMBER. i don't like it at all…
This day is pretty interesting. IT test was easy, i passed it. Ah, we had very interesting topic on english lesson today: "why do we need to study?" Evwerybody answered something like: "we do it because we want to have good future and work…". My opinion: this all is the big brother. He controll us since childhood and makes us think that we need all this shit(school, work… ;). I mean, we think only the way someone makes us to do it. If they say: 2+2=4, we will be sure that 2+2=4. Why?? Because they say it is right. They created their logic. We all are under them! They say what is good and what is bad. They create laws… But we have no choice.
I hate people in general. Because all the people are the same. Really, we think in a similar way. I wanna be myself. Everybody wants to. But we all are the same. We cant do anything with it.
So, my choice is sex, drugs and music. I think only theese three things bring me satisfaction.