16 октября 2011 года в16.10.2011 21:08 0 0 10 2

Клааасная песня *-*

There once was a boy named Harry
Destined to be a star
His parents were killed by Voldemort
Who gave him a lightning sсar

Harry goes to Hogwarts
He meets Ron and Hermione
McGonagall requires he play for Gryffindor
Draco is a daddy`s boy
Quirrell becomes unemployed
The Sorcerer`s Stone is destroyed by Dumbledore
Ron breaks his wand
Now Ginny`s gone
And Harry`s in a mortal danger
Tom Riddle hides his snake inside
His ginormous secret chamber
Harry blows up Aunt Marge
The dementors come and take charge
Lupin is a wolf
The rat`s man
And now the prisoner is at large
They use time travel so they can
Save the Prisoner of Azkaban
Who just so happen to be Harry`s Godfather
I don`t really get it either
Harry gets put in the
Triwizard Tournament
With dragons and mermaids
Oh no!
Edward Cullen gets slayed!
He`s back
Harry, Harry, it`s getting scary
Voldemort`s back
Now you`re a revolutionary Harry
Dumbledore, Dumbledore? Why is he ignoring your
Constant attempts to contact him?
He is forced to leave the school
Umbridge arrives
Draco`s a tool
Kids break into the Ministry
Sirius Black as dead as can be
Split your soul
Seven parts of a whole
They`re horcruxes
It`s Dumbledore`s end
There once was a boy named Harry
Who constantly conquered death
But in one final duel between good and bad
He may take his final breath


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