07 октября 2011 года в07.10.2011 14:08 1 0 10 1





https://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpgb2wFLvz1qgvyilo1_250.gif https://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpgb2wFLvz1qgvyilo2_250.gif

R, O, C, K, Mafia….

Creation shows me what to do
I'm dancing on the floor with you
And when you touch my hand, I go crazy yeah

The music tells me what to feel
Like you now but, is it real
By the time we say goodnight
I'll know if this is right

And I feel you coming through my veins
Am I into you or is the music to blame

https://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpgb2wFLvz1qgvyilo3_250.gif https://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpgb2wFLvz1qgvyilo4_250.gif

Who owns my heart?
Is it love,
Or is it art?
Cause' the way your got
Your body moving,
It's got me confused
And, I can't tell
If it's the beat or sparks

Who owns my heart

The room is full but all I see is
The way your eyes just blaze through me
Like fire in the dark, we're like living art
And it hits me like a tidal wave
Are you feelin' me or is the music to blame

https://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpgb2wFLvz1qgvyilo6_250.gif https://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpgb2wFLvz1qgvyilo7_250.gif

So come on baby
Keep provoking me
Keep on roping me
Like a rodeo
Baby pull me close

Come one here we go here we go here we go
And it hits me like a tidal wave
Are you feelin' me or is the music to blame

Who owns my heart?
Is it love,
Or is it art?
Cause the way you got
Your body moving,
It's got me confused
And, I can't tell
If it's the beat or sparks


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