Day 1 - Your favorite female character
Day 2 - Your favorite male character
Day 3 - Your least favorite character
Day 4 - Favorite episode
Day 5 - Your least favorite episode
Day 6 - Saddest death
Day 7 - OMG WTF? death
Day 8 - Death you wish never happened
Day 9 - Your favorite quote
Day 10 - A scene/moment that pissed you off
Day 11 - A scene/moment that made you cry
Day 12 - A scene/moment that made you happy
Day 13 - A scene/moment that made you love the show even more
Day 14 - Something that happened that you wish hadn’t
Day 15 - something that hadn’t happened that you wish had
Day 16 - A character you wish you saw more of
Day 17 - A character you wish you saw less of
Day 18 - Your favorite ship
Day 19 - You least favorite ship
Day 20 - A whacky ship that you would love
Day 21 - Your favorite outside scene
Day 22 - Pick any actor/actress you would have loved to see on the show
Day 23 - An episode you wish never happened
Day 24 - Your favorite friendship
Day 25 - Your least favorite friendship
Day 26 - Best scene ever
Day 27 - Pick a new killer (one of the characters)
Day 28 - Pick a random screencap that you love
Day 29 - Most irritating character
Day 30 - Whatever tickles your fancy