27 апреля 2010 года в27.04.2010 20:41 1 0 10 1

One day I've realized that he doesn't need me any more and I faced a huge problem, as for me. i understood that we had to get apart, but my heart didn't let me do this.

we had been apart for 5 days before & i couldn't even breathe without him. I was him. he was me. and nothing of the sort. but everything has changed greatly. i gave him myself fully and he refused to take me. he didn't want me any more.

i made no conclusions. i made no decisions. my mind was in a vacuum. my heart became as a union of pain, wounds & tears. i just left. leaving him all alone in our past world of ICQs & virtual friends.

as for me, i didn't feel, so lonely, or to tell it right, i don't feel lonely, cause all of this i've done right now. don't know, what will i do tomorrow. but tonight i'm free.


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