Она убрала назад рыжие волосы подруги, коснувшись её холодного лица замерзшими пальцами.В этот момент Кайе казалось, что весь мир застыл и ей никогда уже не удастся согреться.

Несколько минут никто из них не двигался, затем незнакомец осел на одно колено прямо в грязь.Наклонившись вперёд, он опёрся ладонью о листья, пятная их красным.Мокрые ресницы, наполовину скрывающие его глаза, отливали серебристым цветом, словно остальные.Кайя подошла и встала рядом с ним на колени, обхватив себя за плечи трясущимися руками.

Можно сломать вещь, но не всегда после этого удастся придать ей ту форму, которая тебе нужна.

Голос Кайи был негромок, слова приходили неведомо откуда, словно сам страх нашёптывал ей.Ройбен выхватил свой узкий меч, и тотчас же в бру поднялся невероятный шум.Помедлив несколько мгновений, рыцарь вдруг улюбынулся.Это была мрачная, пугающая улюбка - такого жуткого выражения лица Кайе прежде видеть не доводилось.

Каждый раз, когда его матушка притаскивала с блошиного рынка побитый монитор, липкую клавиатуру или просто мотки проводов, она смотрела с такой надеждой, что Корни хотелось ударить её.Она попросту не соображала, какая разница между 286-м компом и "квантумом", и не могла понять, что времена партизанской инженерии уже на исходе и что быть грёбаный гением в наши дни уже недостаточно.Надо быть богатым грёбаным гением

—Ты знаешь, на что похоже солнце?

—Нет, а на что?

—На человека, который вскрыл себе вены, лежа в ванне, и теперь кровь расплывается в воде.

—Это дурацкая чушь.

—А луна просто смотрит.Она просто смотрит, как оно умирает.Должно быть, это она довела его до такого…

"Так хорошо иметь возможность дышать", -подумала Кайя.Она любила невинную жестокость океана, любила ощущение мурашек, которые пробегали по её телу с каждым глотком влажного солёного воздуха.

Кайя ещё раз затянулась сигаретой и бросила её в недопитую матерью бутылку пива.Она решила, что это будет неплохая проверка того, насколько Эллен пьяна, -проглотит она бычок или нет?

CAMERA CLOSES IN as Neytiri removes the mask from Jake's
human face. She gently closes his dead eyes with her
fingertips. Then bends and kisses him.
MOVE INTO CU on AVATAR JAKE as Neytiri’s hand comes into
frame, stroking his cheek. TIGHTENING slowly to--
ECU JAKE’S EYES. Hold a beat, then --
They open.

This is a place for prayers to be heard.
And sometimes answered.
Jake puts out his hands and the tendrils play over his
fingers, his palms, his forearms. His eyes go wide. We hear
the WHISPERING of ancient Na’vi VOICES.
It’s like -- a sound you feel.
We call this utraya mokri -- the Tree of
Voices. The voices of our ancestors, who
live within Eywa.
A few WOODSPRITES circle around them, some alighting on their
shoulders and arms.
They stand, very close together now. Her eyes are intense,
almost luminous. He feels drawn into them.
But she pulls back a little.
You are Omaticaya now. You may make your
own bow from the wood of Hometree.
(she looks away)
And you may choose a woman.
The Amazon warrior trying so hard to sound casual. Jake
suppresses a smile.
We have many fine women. Ninat is the
best singer --
I don’t want Ninat.
There is Beyral -- she is a good hunter --
Jake puts his fingers on her lips to stop her.
I’ve already chosen. But this woman must
also choose me.
She takes his hands and their fingers intertwine, moving
gently over each other.
She already has.
He puts his face close to hers. She rubs her cheek against
his. He kisses her on the mouth. They explore each other.
Then she pulls back, eyes sparkling.
Kissing is very good. But we have
something better.
She pulls him down until they are kneeling, facing each other
on the faintly glowing moss.
Neytiri takes the end of her queue and raises it. Jake does
the same, with trembling anticipation. The tendrils at the
ends move with a life of their own, straining to be joined.
MACRO SHOT -- The tendrils INTERTWINE with gentle
JAKE rocks with the direct contact between his nervous system
and hers. The ultimate intimacy.
They come together into a kiss and sink down on the bed of
moss, and ripples of light spread out around them.
THE WILLOWS sway, without wind, and the night is alive with
pulsing energy as we DISSOLVE TO --
LATER. She is collapsed across his chest. Spent. He
strokes her face tenderly.
Neytiri, you know my real body is far
away, sleeping.
She raises up, placing her fingertips to his chest --
This body is real.
(she touches his forehead)
This spirit is real.
Her eyes are luminous, honest, infinitely deep.
When I was first your teacher, I hated
all Sky People. But you have also taught
Spirit is all that matters.
She lays her head down, against his chest, listening to his
I am with you now, Jake. We are mated for
We are?
Yes. It is our way.
Oh. I forgot to tell?
He rouses up, making her look at him.
Really, we are?
We are.
Jake considers this.
It’s cool. I’m there.
He lays his head down, and her arms enfold him, sheltering
him as he sleeps.

You mated with this woman?!
Oh shit.
Jake stands. He reaches out for Neytiri. She goes to him,
clutching his hand.
Is this true?
We are mated before Eywa. It is done.
Tsu’tey turns to Mo'at and Eytukan, his face anguished.

Are you certain of this?
They sent me here to learn your ways. So
one day I could bring this message, and
you would believe it.
What are you saying, Jake? You knew this
would happen?
He is unable to meet her eyes.
At first it was just orders. Then
everything changed. I fell in love--
with the forest, with the Omaticaya
People --
(he looks at her)
-- with you. And by then, how could I
tell you?
Neytiri can barely breathe. She is shaking with the enormity
of it, her voice cracking with rage and pain --
I trusted you, Jake!
Neytiri. Please, I only wanted to --
You will never be one of the People!
TSU’TEY yells to his HUNTERS --
Bind them.


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