OFFLINE – 17.03.2021 02:09

Записки сумасшедшей

Дата регистрации: 27 марта 2012 года

Персональный блог IM23K4U — Записки сумасшедшей

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сердце сжимается три

это инфаркт. умри

Partner: hi
Partner: cute smile :)
You: hi
Partner: where are you from?
You: russia
Partner: cool
Partner: how old are you?
You: 15, u?
Partner: 17 :)
Partner: youre really cute haha
You: thanks
Partner: do you have a bf?
You: what?
Partner: a boyfriend
You: oh no
Partner: haha thats suprising
You: why
Partner: because youre so gorgeous, ide love to have you as my girlfriend: p
You: u r so cute ^_^
Partner: ty :)
Partner: so what brings you here on chatroulette?
You: i am bored, and i dont want to play
Partner: haha so what do you want to do? what do you like to do when youre bored?
You: talking
Partner: ok, what kind of music do you like?
You: different, u?
Partner: I like a lot, I listen to alot of music and play a lot of instruments lol I like folk and world music the most I guess
Partner: and metal but I dont usually tell the girls that, sometimes it scares them away: p
You: why?
Partner: idk, its not a easy type of music to listen to I guess haha
Partner: what kind of movies do you like?
You: comedy and horror, u?
Partner: sci-fi and horror and some comedy. I like dramas too sometimes haha
Partner: whats youre favorite movie?
You: idk
Partner: haha k
Partner: well what do you normally do for fun in russia/
Partner: besides sit around and look cute; p
You: I listen to music and walking, you?
Partner: play guitar and try to talk to pretty girls: p like now!
You: where r u from? :)
Partner: the united states
Partner: its pretty lame lol
Partner: capatalism sucks: (
Partner: whts the weather like in russia right now?
You: its terrible: (
You: I want to America
Partner: that sucks, why is it terrible? its cloudy here, but at least youre like a little ray of sunshine :)
Partner: come overe, you can stay with me!
Partner: over*
You: oh, in the future I will move to America or England :)
Partner: thats cool, ide like to move to england too. If you come to america you can live with me, ive always wanted a cute russian girl around
You: so cute *_*
Partner: ^^
Partner: so, is there anything specific you want to talk about?? since you dont like to play
Partner: I win!
You: i too :D
Partner: hahah
Partner: ill let you win if you promise to keep smiling so cute
You: whats your name?
Partner: Luke
Partner: yours?
You: Olya
Partner: thats a pretty name
You: thanks
Partner: pretty sexy; p lol
Partner: what other games do you like to play?
You: on the Internet?
Partner: yeah
Partner: your english is really good by the way, im impressed
You: google translate helps me, but i know english a bit ^^
Partner: hahaha nice
Partner: so what other games do you like to play on the internet?
You: no, i know its sad :D
Partner: hahah ok, that is sad! you dont like to play games with other people?
You: looking at what
Partner: I dont know, I usually just play webcam games
Partner: hold on a sec im going to smoke a cigarette, I need to put clothes on; p
Partner: I wear glasses too by the way lol
Partner: theyre pretty nerdy
Partner: ill be right back, dont go anywhere please!
You: sure
You: what time is it?
Partner: its 2:56 pm here
Partner: what about there?
Partner: im going outside, I hope I dont lose the internet and cant see your pretty face anymore x_x
Partner: its windy out here lol
You: smoking is bad
Partner: " (
Partner:: (
Partner: I kniow
Partner: but its fuuuuun
Partner: is it not attractive to you? lol
You: I do not care
Partner: hahaha k
Partner: youve never smoked before?
You: no
Partner: thats good: p you shouldnt!
You: noo
Partner: have you ever drank alcohol?
You: a bit
Partner: haha you dont party yet?
Partner: its too windy here, Im going back inside
You: ok
Partner: so, do you have a dog?
You: no, a cat
Partner: hahaha its cute
Partner: I have a dog
You: cuuuuute
Partner: hahaha
Partner: he says thanks: p
Partner: you look bored
You: because it's time to sleep, it's too late
Partner: what time is it?
You: two o'clock that night
You: but I do not want to sleep
Partner: good!
Partner: I dont want you to either
You: do you ever watched any soap operas?
Partner: hahah no
Partner: unless porn counts, they are kind of like soap operas sometimes
Partner: which soap operas do you watch?
You: supernatural
Partner: ive never heard of it
Partner: what is it about?
You: Look in Google :D
Partner: ok
Partner: it looks interesting
Partner: is there lots of romance? I only like soap operas if there is lots of romance
You: its veery interesting, it is not romantic
Partner: its really hot in here, I have to take my shirt off, I hope you dont mind lol
Partner: is it like twilight?
You: no
Partner: hahah ok
Partner: so, what else do you like to do at 2 at night?
You: wathing tv, listen to music and talk to the same as you
Partner: haha I guess we have a lot in common then
You: yes
Partner: I like to do other stuff too though, especially with girls as cute as you!
You: nice
Partner: :) yeah lol
Partner: do you ever play truth or dare?
Partner: its exciting!
You: no
Partner: hahaha ok
Partner: it really helps you get to know someone though
Partner: ask me a question or something then! or im just going to keep trying to show you my cock
You: and what do I have to ask? (I do not want to play it)
Partner: anything you want to talk about
Partner: have you ever had a boyfriend before?
You: We have already talked about everything………no, I have all my life alone
Partner: well since we have talked about everything we could show off: p I like to show off, even if you dont want to
Partner: im suprised! the boys in russia must be too shy to talk to you: p
You: in russia all boys are bad and impolite
Partner: hahah
Partner: I hope you dont think im impolite: p
Partner: im kind of bad though… more naughty….


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