А знаете, что сближает людей? Одиночество, да, именно оно. Ведь все одиноки, даже те у кого есть множество друзей, даже известные люди порой бывают одиноки и несчастны. Имеено это делает нас всех похожими.

I want to be your jacket

Your shelter now

I want to be your laughter

When you're feeling down, down

It's cold out there where you are

You're just getting by, so far

If you just try with me

Maybe in time you'll see

I want to be everything you lost along the way

The song that you used to sing

And your favorite dream

I want to be everything you lost along the way

I want to be everything you lost along the way

I want to be your island

Your rest and peace

I want to be your silence

Surround you while you sleep, just breathe

You stopped where you fell before

You don't want to hurt anymore

If you just try with me

Maybe in time you'll see

I want to be everything you lost along the way

The song that you used to sing

And your favorite dream

I want to be everything you lost along the way

I want to be everything you lost along the way

Maybe you're afraid of love and you'll move on

Before you're too far gone

But maybe you should just wait for once

'Cause we're almost, we're so close

And if you just try with me

Maybe in time you'll see

I want to be everything you lost along the way

The song that you used to sing

And your favorite dream

I want to be everything you lost along the way

If you just try with me

Maybe in time you'll see

I want to be everything you lost along the way

The song that you used to sing

And your favorite dream


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by ansent



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