В пятницу, 24 июня Нью-Йорк стал шестым американским штатом, где разрешены однополые браки.

Делай сегодня то, что другие не хотят — завтра будешь жить так, как другие не могут

Courtney, when I say I love you I am not ashamed. Nor will anyone ever, ever come close to intimidating or persuading me into thinking otherwise. I wear you on my sleeve. — Kurt Cobain

JIM: What's your favorite food?
KURT: My favorite food is water and rice.
JIM: Heard of this band called Nirvana?
KURT: Yeah, they're English, they're British. They were a hot group from the 60's and we recently had to give them about $200,000 for using their name. And we recently gave $100,000 to a local Christian band named Nirvana in Orange County. We had to go to court over it. Now we have to call ourselves Nirvana UK anytime we play L.A.
JIM: How would you describe Dave Grohl?
KURT :Dave is in really good shape although he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day.
JIM: Chris Novoselic?
KURT: Chris is the horror of the stars. He has no shame whatsoever in carousing with the likes of Wynona Ryder and Johnny Depp.
JIM: And Kurt Cobain?
KURT: Fuck him, he complains too much.
JIM :Do you believe in reincarnation?
KURT: If you're really a mean person you're going to come back as a fly and eat poop. You'll come back as a fly or Matt Lukin.
JIM: What would you title your autobiography?
KURT: I Was Not Thinking, by Kurt Cobain.
JIM: Final messages for the youth of America?
KURT: I'm bowing down gracefully and taking off my crown and giving it over to Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam. He's now the representative of the youth of America.
JIM: Is there a changing of the guard now?
KURT: Yeah.
JIM: What caused this, because you're a family man and you're embracing family values?
KURT: Because he stole my look… And he uses it better than I.

“The kitchen was absolutely destroyed, it was so disgusting. There was mold everywhere. There was never anything in the refrigerator- I’m not even sure it worked. You walked from this tiny kitchen into a 12-by-12 living room that had a TV that didn’t work, a record player, there was maybe 12 records, a lamp and a couch, and then half the room was taken up by this massive turtle aquarium Kurt had built that had two dying, smelly turtles in it. You walked through there into a tiny bedroom that Kurt had painted black, and then a bathroom the size of a fucking airplane bathroom. That’s where we lived.” — Dave Grohl

“I’m not beautiful, I don’t care. One thing women don’t know is that you don’t have to be beautiful. You don’t have to be beautiful to fuck anyone you want.” — Courtney Love

Только что увидела Джареда Лето поющего Pennyroyal tea и Rape me как бы в честь годовщины сметри Курта. У всех отзывы: как мило, красиво, но по моему это было ужасно. С самого начала переборщил, одевшись как Курт, и волосы.. Как он пел тоже еле выдержала - старался подражать его вокалу, закрывал глаза так же как Курт, но не передал такой концентрации как у него, и за всем было видно явное копирование.

В ощем, если с ним ещё и документальный фильм снимут, будет вообще противно попсово: мечта ванилек -милый Джаред в роли депрессивного эмо Курта. -__- О его биографии там ничего не буд. Ещё Майли Сайрус на роль Кортни и вообще охуенчик..

Слов не хватает как я зол..


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(via hated ) c днём рождения Хулио!! xDD


xiii :


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