
dreams and reality

Дата регистрации: 01 марта 2011 года

All about my thoughts, dreams and life.

#6-when he asks you in for coffee you should say Yes!

#7-live well-love much-laugh often

#8-find beauty in everything

#9-not everyone will let you down

#10-you've got a face for a smile, u know

#11-do it today.It might be illegal tomorrow!

#12-you have enemies?Good, that means you stood up for something

#13-some things i cannot change.But till i try, i'll never know

#14-someone loves you out there

#15-always hope but never expect

#1-the world is smaller than you think and people on its are more beautiful than you think

#2-destroy what destroys you

#3-you only live once.Enjoy your living

#4-never judge a book by its movie

#5-to let another into your heart, first let yourself in

if you don;t go after what you want, you'll never have it.

If you don't ask, the answer is always no

If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place


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