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the happiest things in life
1) cute underwear
2) kisses on the check
3) sunshine after a storm
4) warm kittens
5) embrace by your lover
6) fresh cookies from the oven
7) good-morning texts
8) magical looking gardens
9) sunny with a cool breeze
10) that little smile after kiss
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BAKSYBOB — dreams and reality
#6-when he asks you in for coffee you should say Yes!
#7-live well-love much-laugh often
#8-find beauty in everything
#9-not everyone ...
the way i see it...
#1-the world is smaller than you think and people on its are more beautiful than you think
#2-destroy what destroys you
#3-you only liv...
if you don;t go after what you want, you'll never have it.
If you don't ask, the answer is always no
If you don't step forward, you're ...
i don't have a plan.I just want to sit on the patio and drink coffee with you all summer
i want to have a nice body BUT not asa much as i want DESSERT
i make problems more complicated than they are