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Rainy fall in my dreams!..
Дата регистрации: 07 мая 2011 года
Игра стоит свечь!
Всем Добро пожаловать! Меня зовут Дарья. Всегда очень рада новым следящим и обожаю тех людей, кто уже следит за моим блогом!
Я не фанат!!!! Но меня интересует: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Kristen Stewart…
“ They knew how important the scene was, and they wanted to make it as honest and kind of expressive as it could be. I thought there was just this great ease between them, and a sense of confidence that was really enjoyable. And I feel that just made all the difference. ” -Bill Condon on filming the sex scene with Rob and Kristen
Kristen Stewart | Coachella 2012
"Любовь - дуэль"
Bella: “I could use a few human minutes.”
Edward: “Don’t take too long, Mrs. Cullen.”
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“It’s really important to like what you’re wearing. It’s pretty clear when I don’t like what I’m wear...
Kristen walking in NYC, today. (05.06)