

Дата регистрации: 10 августа 2010 года

Персональный блог UNCLEJOHNNY — LOL

Выходит Маяковский из кабака, окруженный стайкой девиц. Девицы начинают его охаживать:
- Владимир! А это правда, что Вы можете сочинить стихотворение прямо с ходу, на месте?
- Конечно! - говорит подвыпивший поэт революции, - Давайте тему!
- Ну, вот видите, в канаве - пьяница валяется…
Маяковский, гордо выпрямившись, громогласно начинает:

На нашем

Голос из канавы:

Ну а тебе какое дело?
Идешь с блядями и иди…

- Пойдемте, девушки, это Есенин

На вьюи пришли тролли. Местный контингент в шоке. Срачи в популярном забавляют до невозможности.

Мы молоды. Это в порядке вещей, что мы порой напиваемся, что плохо себя ведём и трахаемся друг с другом. Мы предназначены для вечеринок. Вот так вот. Да, некоторые из нас не знают меры и слетают с катушек. Но Чарльз Дарвин сказал: «Нельзя сделать омлет, не разбив пары яиц». И вот про это я вам и толкую. Разбитые яйца. Как яйца, разбитые в

какой-то, х*й его знает, коктейль. Вы только посмотрите на себя… Вы разбиваете моё сердце. Вы напялили на себя кардиганы. А ведь у нас всё было. Мы обосрались похлеще всех предыдущих поколений вместе взятых! Мы были такими прекрасными… Мы занимались х*йнёй, я занимался х*йнёй, и я планирую заниматься х*йнёй, когда мне будет 20 и, может, когда мне будет 30. И я трахну собственную мать, перед тем как… Или кого-нибудь другого. Только попробуйте мне запретить.

  • J.K. said the world was a sunnier, happier place after the seventh book and the death of Voldemort.
  • Harry Potter, who always voiced a desire to become an Auror, or someone who fights dark wizards, was named head of the Auror Department under the new wizarding government headed by his friend and ally, Kingsley Shacklebolt.
  • His wife, Ginny Weasley, stuck with her athletic career, playing for the Holyhead Harpies, the all-female Quidditch team. Eventually, Ginny left the team to raise their three children — James, Albus and Lily — while writing as the senior Quidditch correspondent for the wizarding newspaper, the Daily Prophet.
  • When asked “What child did harry give the marauders map to if any, ” J.K. said, “I’ve got a feeling he didn’t give it to any of them, but that James sneaked it out of his father’s desk one day.”
  • Contrary to a quote in an earlier interview, J.K. says Ron Weasley joined his brother, George, as a partner at their successful joke shop, Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. George named his first child and son Fred, and he goes on to have a very successful career, helped by Ron.
  • Hermione Granger, Ron’s wife, furthered the rights of subjugated creatures, such as house elves, in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures before joining the magical law enforcement squad. The couple had two children — Rose and Hugo.
  • Harry and his friends have their own history depicted on Chocolate Frogs cards. Ron will describe this as his finest hour.
  • A new, improved Percy ended up as a high-ranking official in the new Ministry of Magic under Kingsley. Dolores Umbridge was arrested, interrogated and imprisoned for crimes against Muggleborns.
  • Teddy Lupin grew up living with his grandmother Andromeda. However, unlike Neville, who was also raised by his grandmother, Teddy had his godfather, Harry, and all his father’s friends in the Order, to visit and stay with.
  • Luna Lovegood, Harry’s airily distracted friend with a love for imaginary animals who joins the fight against Voldemort in the Order of the Phoenix, becomes a famous wizarding naturalist who eventually marries the grandson of Newt Scamander, author of “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.”
  • Scorpius Malfoy has a lot going against him, not least that name. However, J.K. said she thinks Scorpius would be an improvement on his father.
  • Winky the House-Elf is still at Hogwarts, and she was one of the oncoming house-elves who attacked the Death Eaters in the final battle.
  • After the battle, Firenze was welcomed back into the herd. The rest of the herd was forced to acknowledge that Firenze’s pro-human leanings were not shameful, but honourable. And Mr. weasley did eventually get around to fixing Sirius’ motorbike. Of course, it ended up in Harry’s possession.
  • When asked would Lockhart ever recover, J.K. replied, “No. Nor would I want him to. He’s happy where he is, and I’m happier without him!”


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On Monday, July 30, J.K. Rowling gave a live on-line...

J.K. said the world was a sunnier, happier place after the seventh book and the death of Voldemort. Harry Potter, who always voiced ...


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На вьюи пришли тролли. Местный контингент в шоке. Срачи в популярном забавляют до невозможности.