

Дата регистрации: 06 августа 2011 года

Персональный блог STREETJEWEL — better.faster.stronger

Дима Билан

Уникальные кадры со съемочной площадки нового ролика Димы Билана. Вместе с поп-принцем российской эстрады в клипе снимается сам Йен Сомерхолдер - томный красавчик Дэймон из нашумевших «Дневников вампира». Гонорар Йена за один эпизод в популярном сериале достигает миллиона долларов.

Дима приехал в Лос-Анджелес вместе со своей новой девушкой Юлианой Крыловой. Впервые парочка засветилась еще в Ялте, где влюбленные не скрывали пылких чувств друг к другу.

Околдованный не только красотой модели, но и ее голосом, Дима записал вместе с девушкой песню под названием «Слепая любовь». Билан и правда ослеп, но от ревности. На съемочной площадке нового клипа знаменитый голивудский вампир загипнотизировал своим обаянием русскую девушку - Дима не мог не вступиться. Взбешенный певец чуть было не изуродовал лицо «самого красивого актера мира» - Йена Сомерхолдера.

Я немного увлекся, вошел в роль и ударил Йена в нос локтем, - поделился с Life Showbiz Дима Билан. - Слава Богу, обошлось без видимых повреждений. После драки мы по-братски обнялись. Если честно, ради Юлианы я готов набить любому морду по-настоящему.

Известный поставщик голливудских звезд в Россию Сэм Арутюнян без труда уговорил одного из самых популярных актеров, Йена Сомерхолдера, подраться с Биланом, ради этого вампир отложил на день съемки 4-го и 5-го сезонов «Дневников вампира» в Атланте.

Как стало известно Life Showbiz, кроме драки в клипе будут присутствовать эротические сцены - как с участием самого Билана, так и с участием Йена Сомерхолдера.

Стоит отметить, что Юлиане сказочно повезло. Главное, чтобы объятия девушки с красавчиком Йеном не стали преградой в ее отношениях с Биланом.

Вслед за дырками в одежде заинтересовал меня еще один тренд – шреддинг (shredding, shred – кромсать, рвать на куски). Помните устройство шреддер? Помните, что он делает с бумагой? С одеждой получается похожее, хотя она не рвется на тонкие полоски, а распускается.

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Эта фишка у нас не очень распространена, поэтому распустив футболку можно удивлять окружающих своей оригинальностью, хотя посмотрим, что будет весной – сколько у нас будет желающих ходить в таких «кружевах». Для примера можно посмотреть на коллекцию весна 2009 от Raquel Allegra, ну и все, что я накопила в галерее в конце статьи.

raquel allegra shredding

Про шреддинг я читала на www.outsapop.com еще осенью. Представлялся мне этот процесс очень затяжным и сложным, требующим кропотливой работы. Часов 5-6 на вещь звучало угрожающе. При моей терпеливости не похоже, что это занятие для меня. Но тут перечитала еще раз инструкцию и решила попробовать сделать хотя бы маленькую полосочку.

рваная одежда

Оказывается это не так и сложно и даже затягивает. Хочется все тянуть и тянуть нити. Как в детстве обдирать засохшие корочки с клея ПВА  :) ). Качество-красота результата и зараченное время зависят от опыта – надо немного потренироваться, а также еще и от самого материала (лучше хлопок с примесью эластана) и используемой вязки. Она должна быть без поперечных нитей, только продольные (грубо говоря, трикотаж).

Финская блоггерша Tarkastele koko (Outsapop) распускала футболку от Marimekko, которая выпускает очень качественный, красивый и очень недешевый трикотаж. Наверное, распускать его было легче, чем какой-нибудь Noname – нитки вытягивались длинные, рвались редко.

футболка shredding T-shirt shredding tutorial 4
Что делала я: Купила достаточно добротную трикотажную кофту опять же в секонде – на ней тренироваться не жалко. Обрезала низ. Распарывателем поддела несколько нижних ниток (как бы сняла их с петелек). Дальше можно было уже распускать, вытягивая нитки пальцами. По ширине обычно снимается с петель небольшой кусочек, если тянуть дальше, то нитки начинают рваться. Поэтому приходится поддевать дальше распарывателем, увеличивая распускаемую область по ширине. Что получилось?

как сделать шреддинг

Всю футболку я не распустила. Сделала на спине по бокам 2 симметричные полосы от низа до самого верха, а также небольшой распущенный участок спереди. Время – в общей сложности около 2,5 часов. Распущенная область получилась достаточно плотной. Если распускать по всей ширине футболки или по крайней мере более 50% ширины, то нитки будут больше провисать вниз и весь шреддинг будет более «прозрачным» – паутиноподобным.
Кстати, упоминание шреддинга в русском инете я нашла только на Lookatme.ru – там одна девушка выложила перевод зарубежной инструкции с фотографиями оттуда и фото результатов своего шреддинга. Получилось у нее неплохо – полностью распущенна спина и полоска спереди.

Для тех, кому лень распускать самому, существует etsy или ebay. Говорят, что порядок цен такой Etsy – $20-$60, Ebay $100-$200, Raquel Allegra – $200 -$1190. Честно говоря, на аукционах я нашла больше просто порезанной одежды, чем распущенной. Возможно, надо лучше искать. В Москве можно заказать здесь. Футболка на заказ – 2000 рублей.

Хоккеист ярославского клуба "Локомотив" Александр Галимов, пострадавший в авиакатастрофе Як-42 под Ярославлем, скончался сегодня, 12 сентября, в столичном Институте хирургии им. Вишневского. Как заявляют медики, у спортсмена было мало шансов выжить. 12:12

Врачи продолжают бороться за жизнь бортпроводника Александра Сизова. «Утром 12 сентября, несмотря на проводимую терапию с использованием всех возможных современных методов лечения, в Ожоговом центре Института хирургии им. А.В. Вишневского скончался Александр Галимов от ожогов, несовместимых с жизнью», — говорится в сообщении ожогового центра. 11:27

Хоккеист Александр Галимов – единственный из членов команды, кого удалось достать живым после крушения самолета Як-42 под Ярославлем – в понедельник утром умер в НИИ им. Вишневского. В аварии спортсмен получил ожоги 90% тела, а накануне вечером перенес сложнейшую операцию.

I’m in love with medieval times, with it’s knights, princess, knighthood, fair speech, battles, and especially with monumental castles. I have seen a lot of castles on the net, and I’ve try to make a list of my own favorite castles. So, I’ve finally came to my own top ten castles of the world. I’d like to hear your comments, and your suggestions about castles; maybe there is a castle that I’ve skip in my quest.

Neuschwanstein Castle

Royal palace in the Bavarian Alps of Germany, the most famous of three royal palaces built for Louis II of Bavaria, sometimes referred to as Mad King Ludwig, who grew up nearby at Hohenschwangau Castle. And my favourite and most beautiful of all!

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The Palace of Versailles was the official residence of the Kings of France from 1682 until 1790. It was originally a hunting lodge, built in 1624, by Louis XIII. It was expanded by Louis XIV beginning in 1669. He used it as a little lodge as a secret refuge for his amorous trysts with the lovely Louise de la Valliere and built a fairy tale park around it. Jules Hardouin Mansart, the king’s principal architect, drew the plans to enlarge what was turning more and more into a palace from A Thousand and One Nights. The terrace that overlooked the gardens was removed to make way for the magnificent Hall of Mirrors, the Galarie de Glaces. It is here from which the king radiated his power and where the destiny of Europe was decided over a century. The French classical architecture was complemented by extensive gardens.

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Chenonceaux, small agricultural community in the department of Indre-et-Loire in northwestern France,18 miles east of Tours. Located on the Cher River. Chenonceaux is best known as the site of the 16th-century Chateau de Chenonceaux, which is situated on the north bank of the river.
In 1515 Thomas Bohier, revenue collector for King Francis I, began the construction of the Chateau de Chenonceaux. Unfinished at the time of his death, construction of the chateau was completed by Bohier’s wife and son. In 1535, however, Francis I took the estate in payment of debts. King Henry II, son of Francis I, gave the chateaux to Diane de Poitiers, duchesse de Valentinois, who extended the structure by a bridge across the Cher. Catherine de Medicis, widow of Henry II, forced Diane de Poitiers to deed the chateaux to her. Catherine de Medicis constructed the gallery above the bridge and the stables known as the Batiment-des-Dames. The chateau became her favorite residence, and it was there that her son Francis II and Mary, Queen of Scots, were married in 1560.

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The Chateau of Chambord

Chambord, chateau, park, and village in the department of Loire-et-Cher in central France. The chateau of Chambord was a retreat for French kings, especially Louis XIV It was under his auspices that French dramatist Moliere’s Monsieur de Pourceaugnac and Le bourgeois Gentilhomme were first produced there.

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Ludwig II built this secluded hunting lodge, it was known as the Kings Hut. Ludwig decided that this will be a New Versailles. It was planned as a modest villa but had become a splendid Rococo palace in the ornate French style. Linderhof is the smallest of the three royal castles, and the only one which was completely finished. (1878).

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Tower of London

Castle building was an essential part of the Norman Conquest; when Duke William of Normandy invaded England in 1066 his first action after landing was to build a castle.After his coronation in Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day 1066, William ordered the construction of a castle in London for his triumphal entry. nitially the Tower had consisted of a modest enclosure built into the south-east corner of the Roman City walls, but by the late 1070s, with the initial completion of the White Tower, it had become the most fearsome of all. Nothing had been seen like it in England before. It was built by Norman masons and English (Anglo-Saxon) labor drafted in from the countryside. It was intended to protect the river route from Danish attack, but also and more importantly to dominate the City physically and visually.The White Tower was protected to the east and south by the old Roman City walls (a full height fragment can be seen just by Tower Hill underground station), while the north and west sides were protected by ditches as much as 750m (25ft) wide and 3.40m (lift) deep and an earthwork with a wooden wall on top. It is important for us today to remember that the functions of the Tower from the 1070s until the late 19th century were established by its Norman founders. The Tower was never primarily intended to protect London from external invasion, although, of course, it could have done so if necessary. Nor was it ever intended to be the principal residence of the kings and queens of England, though many did in fact spend periods of time there. Its primary function was always to provide a base for royal power in the City of London and a stronghold to which the royal family could retreat in times of civil disorder.

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Leeds, Kent

Leeds Castle, acclaimed as the most romantic castle in England, is located in south-east England, built on two adjacent island in the river Len.Leeds Castle was originally a manor of the Saxon royal family possibly as early as the reign of Ethelbert IV (856-860). The first castle was an earthwork enclosure whose wooden palisade was converted to stone and provided with two towers along the perimeter. This is now vanished. Traces of arches in a vault thought to be Norman were found at the beginning of this century. Around 1119 Robert Crevecoeur started to build a stone castle on the site, establishing his donjon where the Gloriette now is. Stephen, Count of Blois, and his cousin the Empress Matilda contested the crown of England. In 1139 Matilda invaded England with the help of his brother Robert, Earl of Gloucester, who held Leeds castle, but Kent was loyal to king Stephen and following a short siege he took control of the castle.The castle came into the possession of Edward I (1278). He rebuilt much of the castle as it stood at the beginning of his reign, and enlarged it, providing an outer stone curtain round the edge of the larger island, with cylindrical open-backed flanking towers and a square-plan water-gate on the south-east. The gatehouse at the south-west, a single tower pierced by an arched passage was improved.Henry VIII, the most famous of all the owners of Leeds Castles, expended large sums in enlarging and beautifying the whole range of buildings. At the same time, he carefully retained the defenses of the castle for he often had cause to fear invasion from either France or the Spanish. The king entrusted the work of alteration to his great friend Sir Henry Guidford.Leeds has been constantly inhabited and rebuilt since then. Most of the castle today is the result of the nineteenth-century reconstruction and addition.

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Dominating the Loire River, the royal castle of Blois is not only one of the most prestigious Renaissance monuments in France but also a brilliant illustration of the evolution of the French architecture from the Middle ages to the 17th century.About the middle of the 10th century, the name of Thibaud I is recorded Count of Blois, he was the founder of the family who remained in power until 1230. Blois became the most important town in the region. The first stone castle was built to protect the town dates back to that period. An independent bastion surrounded the castle, and followed the line of the headland on which it was erected. The numerous medieval remains still exists. The best preserved medieval tower is situated on a terrace overlooking the Loire.While the Franco-Anglo was (named the Hundred Years War) raged in the real, an event took place that determined the future of the county of Blois, the ancient fortress became a royal castle. At the end of the 14th. century, the county of Blois was sold to Prince Louis of Orleans, son of the king of France Charles V. He lived in the castle for 25 years attracting a small court of scholars and poets. His grandson, Louis XII became king of France in 1498 and decided to move to Blois, in this way, the small town became a royal town and the capital of the Kingdom.Under Louis XII and Francis I the town of Blois grew considerably. But after the disaster of Pavia in 1525, Francis I never returned to Blois and his successors only paid short visits to the town. According to French and Gothic tradition, the initials and emblems of the owners of the place are sculptured in the stone: fleur de lis for the king and ermine spots for the queen, Anne de Bretagne. The equestrian statue of the king crowns the main entrance of the castle. The emblem of the king, the salamander, is sculptured eleven times in high relief on the Francis I facade. The staircase, which was at the center of the facade before Gaston d”Orleans began to modify the castle is a masterpiece. When the Italianate straight flights of stairs appeared in the Loire Valley after the Gothic period, the shape of the spiral staircase in a protruding octagonal cage was considered rather ordinary. The staircase, with its three floors of balconies looking on to the Court of Honor, is perfectly suitable for the display of more and more sumptuous ceremonies.

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The former summer residence of the rulers of Bavaria is located in the west part of the city in the middle of one of Munich’s most beautiful parks. Five generations of Wittelsbach rulers were involved in the construction of this Baroque castle.
The building of Nymphenburg Castle began in the reign of the Elector Ferdinand Maria: overjoyed by the birth of his son and heir, Max Emanuel, he had the central section built for his wife in the style of an Italian villa (Agostino Barelli, 1664-74). In about 1700, Max Emanuel commissioned Enrico Zuccali and Antonio Viscardi to extend the castle by adding galleries and pavilions.The central section owes its present appearance to the efforts of Josef Effner, who in 1715, designed the pilasters, arched windows and busts that now grace the exterior. A few years later, the south section of the castle was added to serve as the court stables. As a counterpart, the orangerie was added to the north.Central section: Stone Hall (Steinerner Saal; 1755-57) with ceiling frescoes by J. B. and F Zimmermann (Homage to the Goddess Hora); the Rococo stucco work is based on designs by Cuvillies.

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Mont St. Michael

Le Mont-Saint-Michel, rocky, cone-shaped islet in northwestern France, in the Gulf of Saint-Malo, connected by a causeway with the mainland. The islet, celebrated for its Benedictine abbey, has small houses and shops on its lowest level. Above these stand the monastic buildings, many of which date from the 13th century and are considered outstanding examples of Gothic architecture. The entire islet is crowned by the abbey church, about 73 m (about 240 ft) above sea level.The first chapel on this site was founded in 708 by Aubert, Bishop of Avranches, after the Archangel Michael has appeared to him in a dream. The Archangel Michel appeared here in the year 708. The Abbey takes the name of Mont saint Michel. The oratory, consecrated in 709 was served by a community of canons. It apparently survived the Norman invasions, but the observance of the rule became very relaxed. In 966 Richard I, Duke of Normandy, established there the Benedictine monks from St. Wandrille Abbeyunder the direction of Abbot Maynard, who began the reconstructions of the church and other buildings. The church was burnt in 922 and rebuilt on a larger scale by Abbot Hildebert II from 1023, at the time of the monastic reforms in Normandy carried out by Richard II and William of Volpiano. Mont Saint-Michel was built in a strong rock that measures 84 meters height. It is pure granite and is so hard that has resisted the passage of time.Mont Saint Michel was built as a medieval castle. It has two large towers to defend the entrance to the castle. St. Michael is a surety for freedom and thus this sanctuary also became a symbol of the allied landing in Normandy during the Second World War.

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We just do not do enough to protect our planet. The temperatures are rising, the sea levels rise as well, and now there are many places that could simply disappear. The list is very long, we choose just ten of them for this list.

1. Maldives

Global Warming

These famous paradise-looking tropical islands are well known for its white-sand beaches and they have always been one of tourists’ favorite sites. Unfortunately, the Global Warming could end the enjoyment in the 600 miles-stretching islands. As 80 percent of the country is only 3.3 feet above the sea level, the continuous rising of the ocean level turn the alarm on for the beautiful islands. With the current ocean-rising dynamics, Maldives could disappear before 2050.

2. Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok is also one of the world’s most popular exotic destinations, but also one of the places that could disappear due to global warming. The city is already sinking due to its too heavy urbanization on its too soft underground as well as the excessive pumping of groundwater. The location also makes the city exposed to floods, especially in the monsoon season. All these factors could send Bangkok underwater before the end of this century.

3. Mississippi River Delta, United States

The great American river runs into the Gulf of Mexico in a breathtaking delta rivers, marshes, and low-lying barrier islands. You guess, the rising of the sea level could destroy this landscape. However, that’s not the only way for Global Warming to damage this region, as it’s exposed to many sea storms and hurricanes. We all remember Katrina in New Orleans.

4. Komodo Island, Indonesia

The home of the world’s most famous reptile could end under the water surface in few decades if the Global Warming continues to progress. The sea surrounding the island is growing and could cause extinction of the Komodo dragon, but the increased acidification could also cause big damage, as it make the surface temperature higher, which may eventually kill the corals around the island and destroy the amazing diving sites.

5. Great Barrier Reef, Australia

The delicate ecosystem of one of the world’s most beautiful sites is under threat since the temperatures has begun growing. There is a large variety of fish and other marine species which depend on the coral for survival. As the coral reef is nearing death, its flora and fauna is nearing the same destiny. It could all disappearing just because of the rising temperatures.

6. Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo is one of the world’s largest metropolises, allegedly great to live in, but the climate change effects tell different story. It suffers from the phenomenon called “heat islands, ” which means that factory emission and the artificial heat from cars cause local greenhouse effect. As the temperatures continue to rise, Tokyo will have bigger and bigger problems with the heat.

7. Venice, Italy

For some people it’s might be hard to believe that a city which lies on water could suffer from global warming, but the recent measures say different. Actually, the city is slowly sinking anyway, about nine inches per 100 years, but the recent climate conditions could make things worse. A new barrier which could withstand a 100 feet deluge is under construction, but experts say that new measures should be done in order to be sure that it could be enough to save the city from disappearing.

8. River Thames, London

The River Thames has been pride of London for centuries, but today it turns to be one of the greatest threats for the city. Since the early Middle Ages the city has been expanding into the river, making its course narrower. A great barrier was built back in 19th century in order to prevent floods, but the rising of sea level could prove this system inefficient and transform Thames into part of the sea.

9. Big Sur, California, United States

The coastline between Los Angeles and San Francisco is certainly one of the most beautiful landscapes in North America. Unfortunately, there is possibility for the global warming to destroy the ecosystem and the landscape itself, as the raised temperatures lead to wildfires. However, the government of California has taken steps toward finding solutions about environmental issues in last few years, which make us hope that Big Sur won’t be one of those places that could disappear due to the global warming.

10. Panama Canal, Panama

The Panama Canal made a revolution in world’s trade when opened in 1914, offering great alternative for ship which had to move from Atlantic to Pacific and opposite. There is one interesting challenge with which ships are facing – there’s 85 feet of elevation between the oceans. The solution was found in vast amounts of increasingly scarce fresh water, but some shortages in last few years have forced several closures of the canal.

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Беременная поп-дива Бейонсе, которой 4 сентября исполнилось 30 лет, отметила праздник в кругу близких друзей и, конечно, вместе с любимым мужем - рэппером Джей-Зи.

Также среди звездных гостей на вечеринке, проходившей на борту шикарной яхты, были замечены актриса Гвинет Пэлтроу и певица Эрика Баду.

С Днем Рождения, Би! :)

Вкусное, нежное миндальное печенье с прослойкой из белого и горького шоколада

Рецепт рассчитан на 35 макарун.

Для макарун:

110 г миндальной пудры(миндаль молотый в кофемолке и просеянный)
225 г сахарной пудры
25 г порошка какао (без сахара)
120 г яичного белка (около 4 яиц)
50 г мелкого сахарного песка

Для ганаша с горьким шоколадом

80 г горького шоколада
50 мл сливок 38%

Для ганаша с белым шоколадом:
100 г белого шоколада
50 мл сливок 38%

Нагреть духовку до 150 градусов
Смешать миндальную муку, сахарную пудру и какао в комбайне, 2 минуты

Противень застелить бумагой для выпечки высыпать сухую смесь на лист, просушить
в духовке минут 5

Просеять через очень мелкое сито.
Взбить белки, постепенно добавляя сахарный песок, до появления блеска

Добавить в белки сухую смесь и аккуратно соединить вместе плавными движениями
сверху вниз

Яичная смесь будет по консистенции тягучей

Смесь выложить в кондитерский мешок с круглой насадкой и отсадить маленькие,
одинаковые по размеру кружочки на противень предварительно покрытый бумагой
для выпечки

Оставить противень на 1час (у меня уже через 30 минут образовалась корочка)
на столе для образования корочки.
Это очень важно если корочка не образуется, то при выпечке образует трещинки на поверхности макарун.
Проверить можно дотронувшись пальцем до поверхности яичной массы, если не прилипает,
то можно ставить в духовку выпекать

Выпекать в разогретой духовке 12 минут, причем, через 6 минут, противень перевернуть
на 180 °, чтобы печенье равномерно пропеклось.
Как только достали печенье из духовки снять лист с печеньем с противня обрыскать его(противень)
холодной водой и вернуть на него лист.
Тогда печенье легко снимется с бумаги.

Приготовление ганаша:
Сливки подогреть, добавить поломанный на кусочки шоколад. Размешать до полного растворения.Дать остыть и поставить в холодильник(желательно на ночь).

На половинку макаруны выдавить из кондитерского мешка начинку и второй половинкой накрыть


Вы когда-нибудь задавались вопросом, почему для обозначения размера бюстгальтеров используются буквы A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G и H?
А - Аlmost boobs (почти сиськи)
B - Barely there (чуть не дотягивают)
С - Can't complain (грех жаловаться)
D - Damn!! (охренеть!)
DD - Double Damn!! (вдвойне охренеть!)
Е - Enormous (громадные)
F - Fake (фальшивые)
G - Get reduction (уменьшай скорей)
и наконец..
Н - Help me! I've fallen and can't get up (Спасите! Я упала и мне не встать!))

Утром возвращалась из Пензы.. Солнце, родные проулки.. Иду в ушах, начинает играть Lil John - Shuts. Уже с первых звуок марашки по рукам.. Воспоминания.. А на припеве чувствую как немеет лицо, покрываясь мелкими крапинами.. и нечем дышать…"Солнечная".. Да, это наше лето..


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