Это просто Вьюи блог
Найдется кто-то или что-то, что подтолкнет вас сделать шаг, и вы станете художником своей жизни, поймете и измените ее.
Найдется кто-то или что-то, что подтолкнет вас сделать шаг, и вы станете художником своей жизни, поймете и измените ее.
do you ever like a fictional character so much you actually get jealous when other people say they like them.
Забота о людях является первым шагом к изменению всего.
—Миша Колинз
Thank FUCK for this kid Because THAT is how you react in a situation like this How many times have Sam and Dean broke their way into someones house or put someone in a situation where there are MONSTERs and they just look mildly scared and don’t ask any questions? That kid right there, that is how you react.
Why do you think you two are the vessels? Think about it.Michael, the big brother, loyal to an absent father. And Lucifer, the little brother, rebellious of daddy’s plan. You two were born to this, boys! It’s your destiny. It was always you. As it is in Heaven, so it must be on Earth. One brother has to kill the other.
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