OFFLINE – 24.10.2021 22:48


Дата регистрации: 23 марта 2011 года

Персональный блог SKY-IS-OVER — ГУЛЯШ ТЕБЕ, ЛИФЧЕГ


Once upon a time in the land of upper east, a beautiful girl fled from a beast. His closest friends began to retreat, while enemies marshaled to plan his defeat. And with the beast finally vanquished, most tales, they would end with one happy princess, and an excited best friend. But in the land where the best castles come with the view of the park, it’s important to remember where most fairy tales end, ours merely starts.


Chuck - You know, they say when you love something you should set it free.
Blair - Uh! They say when you hate something you should slam the door in its face.
Chuck - I love it when you talk dirty, Blair.


Louis made me happy. Happy! Do you know the last time I felt joy? Chuck had brought me into his darkness for so long, I’d forgotten what that felt like. And with all your Dan issues, it’s obvious you think your romantic fate was sealed in the 11th grade, but I’m growing up. I wanted something different.


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