
Laugh & live.

Дата регистрации: 19 октября 2010 года

Персональный блог SKITTLEDWALLS — Laugh & live.



Black square - the most famous work of Kasimir Malevich, established in 1915. Is a canvas size 79.5 to 79.5 inches, which depicts a black square on a white background.

Initially, the famous square of Malevich's first arose in the scenery for the opera "Victory over the Sun" as the plastic expression of the victory of the active human creativity over passive form of nature: a black square instead of the solar cycle. This was the famous scenery of the fifth stage of the 1 st action, which is a square in a square, divided into two areas: black and white. Then, from the scenery of this box migrated to the easel works.

The first exhibition.

December 19, 1915 on "The Last Futurist Exhibition of paintings 0.10", which opened in Petrograd, the audience were presented 39 paintings by Kazimir Malevich. The most prominent place in the so-called "red corner", which is generally placed icons hung painting "Black Square". Speaking at the exhibition Kazimir Malevich announced the coming of a new pictorial realism - Suprematism. The term "Suprematism" (from the Latin supremus - the highest, transcending) Malevich called the highest and last stage of art, whose essence lies in going beyond the traditional framework, beyond the visible, the intelligible world.

So what does it mean?

And generally what I do all that? Once upon a time I was of the opinion that to draw a "picture" of any person, even a 5-year-old child - take yourself paint, canvas and Draw. But now I do not think so. That is to draw something of course you can. But the picture was definitely imbedded some idea. Someone thinks that the black box - the embodiment of absolute evil. Someone believes that it is expressed on the canvas boundless loneliness and despair. I recently read a very original version of that black square - is one of the parties to a multi-colored cube. As we know from the lessons of physics, the black color absorbs all other colors. And in life sometimes is very difficult to consider the truth behind the lies, the good moments in the middle of the bad ones. Malevich himself said that he painted under the influence of cosmic forces, that is, in fact, he did not know what to draw. And what I think? Of course I'm not so brilliant to unravel the cosmic implications of this work, since I did not do himself Malevich.) But I think that picture is great meaning in these endless debates. Each sees in the box something different, reflecting him and not the author, that's interesting. I think a single person - see the sadness, mysticism enthusiast - the devil and the like. Oscar Wilde wrote: "Expand the people themselves and conceal the artist - that aspires to be art. . . In essence, the art - a mirror reflecting the one who looks into it, and not life . " And I absolutely agree with him.

Well, a little more of my thoughts.

I do a lot more art like music. Because the music - is something special. Incomparable beauty and perfectness. And besides, it can carry you anywhere. It reflects your own personality every note is capable of creating thousands of images in my head, each its own. And the picture? For example, you see. . a Christmas tree. Why the tree? It starts with pre-Christmas mood, here I have some trees in the head and spinning. So, the Christmas tree. Beautiful, fluffy, realistic, like a frame on the film. What can you see it? Well you can stretch the imagination and imagine how her kids dressed up, laughing and so forth. You'd think that would happen to her next. But change the fact that this tree you can not. It has already drawn. A square of Malevich, like other Suprematist paintings represent certain shapes - circle, cross, square. . Everything in general is extremely simple. But here you're already able to provide something different. This and the emotions and events, and each time something new. That's why I love it because it's art direction and this picture.

(Via pro100ta)



American Mark Wieczorek was a collective image of the ideal beauty of different people.

The quintessence of Indian beauty
(This collective image is based on seven well-known Indian actresses, including Aishwarya Rai, Bipasha Basu, Kareena Kapoor, Malika Sherawat, etc.)

Quintessence of American-European Beauty
(This collective image is based on 15 American and European beauties, among them Audrey Hepburn, Audrey Tautou, Avril Lavigne, Emma Watson, Ingrid Bergman, Adriana Lima, Megan Fox, Natalie Portman, Penelope Cruz, Scarlett Johansson and others)

The quintessence of Japanese beauty
(Collectively, the image on the basis of 7 major Japanese beauties)

The quintessence of Korean beauty
(Collectively, the image on the basis of nine Korean actress and model)

Kvintesseniya Asian beauty in general

(The collective image based on 14 beautiful asian)


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