
игра в жизнь

Дата регистрации: 17 октября 2011 года

I don’t take anything from anybody anymore, no-matter who they are. I’m really tired of being screwed over, and used. It’s happened one too many times, and now I’m moving on, giving back people exactly what they deserve. You can tell me that’s wrong and how much you disapprove, but I’m not here to impress you, or for you to like me. I’m here to express myself and make me feel like I’m somebody who can deal with her problems and emotions – and maybe actually deal with them. I am completely over love and feelings because it never works out for me. I’ve decided the only way not to get your heart broken is to act as if you don’t have one, and that’s been my moral for the entire year; one which I am proud to admit I’ve persisted in keeping, even though I’ve made stupid decisions whilst doing so. I’m very loudly opinionated and get frustrated extremely easily. I think way too much about everything, even though I shouldn’t. I’ve stopped telling people how I feel, because I’ve noticed the larger your problems become, the less they begin to care. Over the past three years I’ve learned not to trust anyone anymore – because trusting someone takes time. A lot of it, and sometimes even the person you trusted with your life can change in a split second, and it’ll leave you hurt, sitting there wondering how they hurt you so much; unable to comprehend where the trust between you both went. I’ve had it pretty rough this year and it’s not getting any easier anytime soon. I’m not one to just walk away from my problems; instead I deal with them in any way I possibly can, whether that be for better or worse. There’s a lot of things I wish I’d never done, things I wish I could take back. However, I do not hold these as regrets – as one time in my life; it was exactly what I wanted. I’ve learned from these mistakes, and sometimes I’ve found myself having to make them more than once to learn from them well. For the past three years, I have changed constantly, but I like to believe I’ve become more respectful and changed for the better every year since. I don’t need you to bow down to me nor is your respect a necessity to me. I just need you to understand that my life is my own and you have no right to judge my actions or decisions, unless you are me and me only. Now you’ve heard my story.
О сбе:
я-человек, который способен наступать на грабли, даже когда они заперты в сарае.

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—а почему ты так мужиков не любишь? -я люблю все, что не ходит на двух ногах и не разговаривает


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