

Дата регистрации: 25 декабря 2010 года

Персональный блог RANE-AWAY — прочь

Настоящая дружба - это когда при выборе фотографии смотришь не только на то как получился ты, но и на то как получилась твоя подруга.

Когда врёшь, главное, чтобы подруга, стоящая рядом, не заржала и не
спалила всю контору.

Я всегда ржу :D

нет, не тоскуйте по людям, вещам, временам, часам.тоскуйте по морю, в этом есть что то особенное.

Говорят, что больно смотреть на солнце, но ещё больнее смотреть на губы, которые любишь, но не можешь поцеловать..



  • His hands. I love his hands. He has these cute, stubby fingers, and people always make fun of me because I have stubby fingers and toes, but I like them, thank you very much. And I think Nick’s stubby fingers are positively adorable.
  • His jawline. Honestly, if I could just lick that perfect jawline of his, I would be satisfied. I don’t even care how creepy that sounds. BRING YOUR JAW HERE, NICHOLAS.
  • His shoulders. I have the greatest weakness for broad shoulders, and by God, Nicholas has them. My crush in high school had broad shoulders and I was just crazy about them. Ugh. I just love how Nick’s shoulders are broad and then his torso tapers down into his waist…it’s just…glorious.
  • His back. Along with my weakness for broad shoulders, I have a weakness for a defined back (this may also be due to my high school crush). Nick’s back…those wetsuit pictures just made my life complete. I just want to take my hands and run them up and down the length of his back…goodness, I am being so creepy with this post right now.
  • His smile. But every version of it—not just the one where he shows his teeth, which seems to be everyone’s favorite. I love all of his smiles. When he’s excited, when he’s happy, when he’s amused, when he’s feeling mischievous, when he’s annoyed, when he’s laughing, when he’s smiling to be polite…I love them all. Each one of them really tells how he feels—they’re so readable, and I just adore them.
  • His sense of humor. He’s pretty sarcastic, and his sense of humor is pretty dry and I absolutely adore it. There have been chats where he’s really turned up the sarcasm and I’ll be rolling, and then I’ll see fans saying that he was rude…hello, please study sarcasm. Once you love it, you’ll love Nick and his witty comments (and sometimes smart remarks) even more.
  • I’m not sure if there’s a classy way to say this, but I find Nick’s ass so incredibly attractive. My mother has always told me that if there’s nothing back there to grab, he’s not a winner. Nick has something I can firmly grasp. Therefore, he is Mom Approved.
  • His intelligence. I love that he’s smart, and I love that he takes a great interest in things and that he’s passionate about knowledge, whether it’s in music, history, sports, or whatever. I find that so insanely attractive.
  • His nose. I’m sorry, is it weird to find someone’s nose attractive? I think it’s the most precious nose I’ve ever seen in my life. I just want to walk up to him and mess with it. IT’S SO CUTE.
  • His eyebrows. I’m actually rather annoyed with him about those…they’re actually perfect, and he did nothing to achieve them…he was just born. Nicholas, I have to have my eyebrows waxed for them to look that good, and you just got to be born with a set of perfectly-crafted ones? Hate you.
  • His hair. Those flawless ringlets just look so lush and I want to thread my fingers through them.
  • His freckles. Those freckles on his face and neck? I think they’re precious.
  • His neck. This kind of falls in where his shoulders and back rank for me. I also have a weird thing for necks, and Nick’s neck is just…ugh. I would also like to lick his neck, and maybe just be even creepier and nip at it. Hey. Quit judging me.
  • His waist. Honestly, I really just want to jump up and wrap my legs around his waist…I’m not even going to bother explaining any further; just look at the picture below:
  • His style. I love the way this kid dresses. I love his hats, and his cardigans, and his plaid shirts, and his jacket/scarf combo (my FAVORITE) and just…everything. And I think he looks so incredibly handsome in a suit.
  • Last but most definitely not least, his drive/passion. Whenever he’s passionate about something, you know it, because he puts his all into it. People often criticize him for his passion because he’s very expressive when it comes to the things he’s passionate about, but I find it really attractive. I love that he puts 110% into what he loves doing, whether it’s a sporting event or a performance.

Села на диету. Захожу на кухню, вижу булочку… Прохожу мимо неё и говорю: " Живи смертная! "
Прям чувствую себя суперменом

Когда я совершаю плохой поступок, нужно, чтобы рядом появился человек, который скажет: "да пофиг, я б тоже так сделал"

Вы расстались. Месяцы боли, страданий, мучений, тонны смол в легких.
И вот, ты кажеться его забыла.
Нет, иногда ты о нем вспоминаешь, но уже не так больно. И вообще ты стараешься отгонять эти мысли.
И у тебя получается!
Ты даже уже завела новые отношения. Вторые с момента вашего расстояния.
Учишься, пытаешься строить что-то похожее на любовь, у тебя появилось намного больше времени, и ты проводишь его с семьей, друзьями.
Все тобой довольны. Все говорят: "Ну слава Богу, дурь вышла".
И ты даже счастлива. Все хорошо.
И вот, вдруг тебе приходит от него сообщение.
И сердце начинает колотиться. И руки дрожать.
Ты отвешиваешь сама себе пощечины, чтобы успокоится, но это не помогает.
И ты понимаешь, что ты все-таки его любишь.
До сих пор…

Он не звонит мне ночью, не спрашивает, как я себя чувствую не пишет мне каждые пять минут "Я скучаю" но ради него я так хочу жить. ©

В прямом переводе с одного из восточных языков, фраза
" Я люблю тебя" звучит как "Я возьму твою боль на себя"..


Самые популярные посты


посоветуйте кино какое-нибудь, а то совсем заняться нечем


lindsaylohan :


— Серега, ты дверь закрыл? - Закрыл. - На ключ? - Да на ключ. - На 2 оборота? - Да на 2, на 2. - Ты дебил Серега мы в палатке :DDD


brandon :


verbickay : Жизненные советы. 1 . Если обещали перезвонить — перезвоните. 2. Опаздываете? Найдите способ предупред...


мы долго не разговаривали, я скучаю по тебе и твоим историям