24 февраля 2011 года в24.02.2011 14:21 2 0 10 1

This morning

You wake a sun ray hits your face

Smeared make-up as we lay in the wake of destruction,

Hush baby, speak softly,

Tell me your awfully sorry

That you pushed me into the coffee table last night

So I can push you off me

Try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me

Run out the room and I'll follow you like a lost puppy

Baby without you I'm nothing

I'm so lost

Hug me then tell me how ugly I am

But that you'll always love me!

Then after that shove me

In the aftermath of the destructive path that we're on

Two psychopaths but we know that no matter

How many knives we put in each other's backs

That we'll have each other's backs

‘Cause we're that lucky

Together we move mountains

Let's not make mountains out of mole hills

You hit me twice yeah but who's countin'?

I may of hit you three times, I'm startin' to lose count

But together we'll live forever, we found the youth fountain

Our love is crazy, we're nuts

But I refuse counseling

This house is too huge if you move out

I'll burn all two-thousand square feet of it to the ground

Ain't shit you can do about it

‘Cause with you I'm in my fucking mind, without you I'm out it!

знаю эту песню и эту партию Эминема наизусть. сама могу зачитать не хуже исполнителя уже


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