31 января 2011 года в31.01.2011 15:43 0 0 10 1

m 17 and still a virgin.
I'm not against having sex at an early age, but I'm certainly not for it. I still do participate is safe sexual activities such as phone sex, video-cam sex, and masturbating.
I'm very safe and smart when it comes to doing just about anything, some I'm pretty cautious when it comes down to sex. I've had the chance to have sex more than once, but I wasn't ready. I didn't want to regret something that I wouldn't be able to take back.
When you feel ready, and if you're certain you will not regret it, go for it.
Be safe, don't just have sex with someone because you "love" them because they could hurt you in the end.

-Well it all began when i moved to a new State. I started riding the bus and i met this guy. He started talking to me. We started to "talk". I made sure i knew who and how he was. Everyone was telling me he was a player. But of course i didnt listen, Because he was sooo cute! Pretty soon we started dating. On september the 20. I found out that first week he had already cheated on me. But he convinced me and it worked. He lied to me constantly, and i knew it but i couldnt let him go. I was too attached, i had fallen in love.

I started going to his soccer games and i went to a party with him. That night was very special because he kept "proving" to me that he cared about me a lot! But of course i found out he still had that other girlfriend right across the room, and i didnt even know it until the next day.

Pretty soon after that night he kept asking me if we could do "it". And i kept saying no. Because i was too young and because he lied too much. It was still too early too, we were in our second month. He soon started feeling on me everytime we saw eachother and putting his hands under my clothes. We always made out.

He kept on lying to me, but i was so emotionally attached to him. I just could not let him go. Every weekend i started going to his house. And as soon as i got there, he would take me to his room. He would lie me down, and lay on top of me. We didnt plan this but, he one day just decided it was the day. He pulled out a condomn, and "it" happened. As soon we stopped, i was happy, but i also felt stupid for letting him do that to me. I was kind of happy because i really did love him.

At the same time though i knew what he was up to…i knew he was just getting what he wanted. But i fell for it, and now i completely regret it. He now ignores me. And im really worried that he might tell someone. I pray that he wont!! The point is that, you have to be really careful. And now i know for sure that i wont be making the same mistake.

---For all you people out there that got played like that, i know how you feel and it sucks


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