28 января 2011 года в28.01.2011 22:08 2 0 10 5

Does the media lie? This is a double-sided question. But we`ll try to find the answer.

From the beginning of our life media surrounds us. It`s impossible to imagine our lives without TV, radio or different magazines. It`s already like a breath of fresh air we are used to. Our life is influenced by the media and this is a fact. Most of people depend on information they get from media. Their opinion depends on media`s opinion. It`s not good. We have to keep ourselves, but from the other side, what should we do if media presses on us. If in every situation media tries to reassure us. I guess, sometimes media participates in our life too much, but there is nothing we can do about it.

Media is everywhere. Advertising, celebrities, gossips, politics - it`s all about media. And don`t try to doubt the fact that they all lie to us. You won`t be able to reassure me. For example, lets take advertising of new cosmetics, let it be mascara, which says, that your eyelashes would get the volume in/ - three times greater than yours. How could it be possible? Isn`t this a lie? I think it is. But anyway we go and buy it in expectation of a miracle. I don`t know how to explain this psychological part of our brain, when even those people, who understand that there is nothing true about the advertisement, go and buy the product. If this advertisement is made for naive people, then nearly all people in the world are naive. Impossible. It`s just a kind of zombiing. This is unfair, but this is life.

Media lies. Like everyone and everything it lies. Even celebrities lie to us. They are such people as we are who don’t like to be deceived. But they also lie, because they are a part of media. Their visual perfection and kindness are lie. In reality they are absolutely different.

In this article I`ve told my opinion about the media`s honesty. Of course there was a bit of lie in this. Because everyday I read differen t media things and I really like this. I understand that they try to powder our minds, but in fact I don`t care. About each situation I have my own opinion. Does the media lie? Yes it does, but it makes our life more interesting.

п.с. Моя домашка по английскому, надо было написать "статью в журнал". Мне понравилось такое задание=)


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