27 января 2011 года в27.01.2011 09:21 0 0 10 5

Broken hearts and last goodbyes
Restless nights by lullabies helps make this pain go away
I realize I let you down, told you that I'd be around
Building up the strength just to say

I'm sorry for breaking all the promises
That I wasn't around to keep
You told me this time is the last time
That I will ever beg you to stay
But you're already on your way

Filled with sorrow, filled with pain
Knowing that I am to blame for leaving your heart out in the rain
And I know you're going to walk away
Leave me with the price to pay, before you go I wanted to say

That I'm sorry for breaking all the promises
That I wasn't around to keep
You told me this time is the last time
I will ever beg you to stay
But you're already on your way

I can't make it alive on my own
But if you have to go then please girl just leave me alone
'Cause I don't wanna see you and me going our separate ways
Begging you to stay if it isn't too late

I'm sorry for breaking all the promises
That I wasn't around to keep
It's all of me, this time is the last time
I will ever beg you to stay
But you're already on your way
But you're already on your way


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HELLOBROTHER — hellobrother`s world


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