17 января 2011 года в17.01.2011 05:52 375 0 10 1

in Canadaa

okay.this is a little ackward, buut i dont really like this translit thing so i have to post evrything in english.

sooo i finally got here. it was such a long way!


but it was fun in some kind of way haha. i met a girl on the plane from Lethbridge(the place i am living in) and it was just really nice.

and customs.this was really funny.i had like a huuuge folder of documents all ready to show like evrything to them lol. and they didnt ask even a thing!o__O

i was maaad.why did i bring sooo many freaking documents?haha

well anyways i was really happy to see Wickershams :)

and today we went to the mall. i wanted to buy a new coat and a cellphone.but i ended up only with a coat from "Sportcheck" and i didnt buy a cellphone because you need someone who is 18 to do it.freak.such a crap\

after we went to Camillas birthday. and there was Tayloooor^___^

a just love him haha. he seems really cuuute to me.i dont know. and we played Mafia and he kept saying i was one the whole game.lol :D

and then me, Tamara and Reese were gonna leave and Keith just wanted to introduce me to someone so then he told everyone about me staying like for a looooong time. and Taylor was like really amazed and surprised in a good way and he was like "REALLY??? SERIOUSLYY??" it was sooo cuuuute^^

then we left and we went to Reeses appartment and we just hung out there talking and eating freking pop-corn haha.

sooo ya.it was a good day tho :)

okaaay i have to go!

i want my butterfly to get a netbook.freak\


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