16 января 2011 года в16.01.2011 12:20 5 0 10 1

You know what's great?

When you have those special people you share a "bond" with.

When you can be miles apart but still talk about anything in the world.

When making them smile and laugh makes you feel so much better.

When seeing them sad is so heartbreaking.

When you know that there are no better person out there but them.

When you know that you will never go out with each other. and you like it that way.

When you know that you can call them anytime in the day and they will be there for you right away.

When you share with them your deepest secret and they will never judge you.

When you don't care about each other's differences, you accept them just the way they are (believe me, that happens too).

When they remember the date of your birthday without facebook notification or vkontakte напоминаний.

When they share stories with you and you literally feel for them.

and you know, this is what should be valued and treasured in life.


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