02 октября 2018 года в02.10.2018 06:01 11 0 10 1

Получилось очень коротко, но так и надо, это just a gist.

Integrated marketing communications

  • strategic business process to
    plan, develop, execute, and evaluate
    coordinated, measurable and persuasive
    brand communication programs
  • with internal and external audience


  • short-term financial return
  • long-term brand and shareholder value
  • Marketing planning process

    • Mkt strategy analysis

    Opportunity analysis
    Competitive analysis

    • Target mkt process
    Identifying markets
    Market segmentation
    Selecting a target market
    Positioning through mkt strategies
    • Mkt planning program development
    Product decisions
    Pricing decisions
    Channel of distribution decisions

    Promotional decisions (ASPIDP)
  • Advertising
  • Sales promotion
  • Personal selling
  • Interactive/Internet mkt
  • Direct mkt
  • Publicity/PR
    • Target market

    Promotion to reseller

    Promotion to ultimate consumer

  • Consumers
  • Businesses
  • Growing importance of IMC

  • Strategically INTEGRATES various communication functions
  • AVOIDS DUPLICATION and takes advantage of synergy among promotional tools
  • Develops MORE EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE mkt communication programs
  • Changing environment:
  • evolution to micromarketing
    consumers' unresponsiveness to traditional advertising
    changing rules of mkt

    Positioning strategies (APUPPCC)

  • Attributes and benefits
  • Price and quality
  • Use and applucation
  • Product class
  • Product users
  • Competitors
  • Cultural symbols
  • Advertising risks of using celebrities

    • Overshadow the product
    • Overexposed, reducing credibility
    • Target audience not receptive
    • Celebrity's behavior pose a risk

    Source attractiveness

  • Similarity (resemblance)
  • Familiarity (knowledge of source)
  • Likeability (physical appearance, behavior or personal traits)
  • Message structure

    • One-sided (mention only positive attributes)
    when audience:
  • already likes the topic
  • less educated
    • Two-sided (mention both, good and bad)

    when audience:

  • hold opposite opinion
  • highly educated
  • Channel factors

    1. Personal VS. Non personal (recommendations from friends, family, etc. have more influence than media)

    2. Differences in info processing (can control pace when read a magazine, cannot control pace on the radio/TV)

    3. Effects of context and environment

    - medium's effect
    - image of media
    - nature of the program in which advertising is placed

    4. Clutter (amount of advertising in medium)


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