Last post was my first post in the blog for a long period of time. You can't even imagine what shit i've been through since April, 2017. This was the hardest period of conscious life. My diseas, my best friends's betrayal, hospitals and now a health center.
Once i wrote a post about it, but deleted it before publication. There I described how difficult it had been. But just writting it seemed so stupid to me and i thought that it'd too much.
I think, nobody here knows about my disease. Would you like to know? It's pulmonary tuberculosis. Maybe, some of you are like: " OMG, how are you still alive???". Actually, i've seen a lot of different reactions on the disease. Yes, that's terribly. But you can't imagine how many people have the same disease. I could not, really. I always seemed to me that i can't be infected with such thing, but life showed me that i can. Any of us, in fact. Just listen to your relatives or friends when they say to you that you can't live like that. You must care about your health all the time. Trust me, I know what i'm saying. That's really important to sleep enough, eat a lot and not be nervous. People, please, do chest x-rays, that's really matters.
To finish my treatment, i had to take a sabbatical. I miss my studies even though we didn't study much. Everything's changed after my classmated reaction on my disease. I was shocked but i had no choice, i must have moved on. I cried a lot they had let me down but there was a woman who talked with my lot saying that everything's for better. She made me pationed everytime i felt sad and was nervous about my friends and the disease. I felt relief after every talking with her. She was like a lifeline for me. A person whom i could tell everything. Just everything and she would get me and support me. The person, who tought me a lot of things. Sometimes i miss her so much. Now i can't meet with her, 'cause i'm almos one thousand km fast from her. She's at home, in Orsk, and I'm in Bashkiria.
I've been here for 2 months. It's time to pick packs soon. Sometimes i just think "oh my god, why am i gonna leave so soon? i want to communicate with these people a little bit more. I'm gonna really miss them." Just a week left. Only one week. Time flies so fast! 2 months have passed that i didn't even noticed that. So many events have happened here. And there were some days when i was really happy.
Most of time i hated spending time like i used to with Zhanna, but now it's clear for me that these day were the best days in the health center. Now when she has left home, it's a little bit boring here despite i made new friends here.
I like people here. It's easy to make frieds with them. I don't know why, but just because of the disease, i suppose. It makes peoples close here.
You mustn't think that only prisoners and people like them can be infected. That's not true. Workaholics, retired people, rich people, students, businessmen even little pure kids. Any. The diseas doesn't spare anyone.
Now i feel free from people surrounding me when i was a student, my classmates. I was hurt, but now i can pationly talking about them, my illness and my future life.
I don't know what' s gonna happen to me in the near future, how i'll feel in new group with new people. Actually, i don't like them at all and i'm not gonna communicate with them. Is it wrong? Probably. Nut i just don't really like them. Maybe, i mustn't judge by the way i see, maybe it'll be different when i'm into the group, among the people. I don't know. We'll see. I know i don't want to end up with my privet English grammar lessons. I need it. I hope my teacher agree to have classes with her