05 июня 2016 года в05.06.2016 00:14 1 0 10 1

My communication circle becomes narrower and narrower with every day. No close friends anymore, no boys who i can merely laugh with and then forget about them, no close close classmates, which i sweared i would never ever stop keeping in touch with, no numerous male friends which i used to have. Only family, relatives and one Sun of mine. The interesting thing is that this loss doesn't make me sad at all. It is all my choice. I didn't push these people away. They left me as well as i did leave them myself. My father once told me that it was what happens in everyone's life, when i asked his why he didn't have friends. He used to have a lot of friends and even the best one. And he used to be a part of big groups and companies. He sang and played the guitar, drew and wrote poems, he was perfect at school and university, brilliantly clever, and witty, and talented, and (from my own point of view) very handsome. No wonder he was never alone. But years has passed by, and there are no close friends anymore. When i asked him whether he would be a friend with his then best friend now, he said 'no'. He said that people change. And different things become important for them.

All people i used to talk to on and off, especially men, left my life one by one and i didn't even feel like i was left alone. Because the main change that happened in my life after i met my Sun is that i don't need many people to feel complete anymore, to feel whole, i only need that one person.


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