14 апреля 2016 года в14.04.2016 18:26 5 0 10 1

Zodiac Signs AT THEIR WORST!


  • Aries: Jealous, possessive, mean, fault finding, over-indulgent.
  • Taurus: Lazy, overly cautious, sensitive, feeling like everyone has bad intentions.
  • Gemini: Overwhelmed, easily depressed, snippy, judgmental and malicious, fickle, inconsistent.
  • Cancer: Uncommunicative, emotional rollercoaster, vulgar, sulking, wants to be alone, feels like they can never do anything right.
  • Leo: Overly aggressive, wasted energy, melodramatic, cold-hearted, distant, feels like it's them against the world.
  • Virgo: Attitude, stand-offish, feeling sorry for themselves, self-pitying, really critical of others, lethargic and lazy.
  • Libra :Dramatic, highly sensitive, lazy, inactive, manipulative, dishonest, lashes out.
  • Scorpio: Revengeful, cynical, manipulative, highly secretive, mixture of raging emotions, overly obsessive.
  • Sagittarius: Argumentative, reckless, tactless, flaky, thoughtless, extremely harsh, volatile, unforgiving.
  • Capricorn: Snobbish, bossy, less forgiving, sees the worst in situations, hopeless, feeling attacked.
  • Aquarius: Very guarded, irrational thinking, more desperate, extremely detached, want to be left alone.
  • Pisces: Gullible, self-pitying, overly clingy, out of touch with reality, emotional, self-destructive.



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