14 марта 2016 года в14.03.2016 18:48 1 0 10 4

It's still quite unusual for me to have my heart filled with so much gentleness to somebody, with so much warmth)) I've never opened to anyone neither my feelings, nor thoughts, as I always considered it to be a right way to a complete vulnerability, but he does give me the feeling of being safe, he's the one who makes me brave enough for it time after time, and I want to thank him for it)) As it's one of the most important gifts I have ever been given)

Because I'm like a shellfish. Like a clam. I'm talking about clam behaviour of quickly closing the shell when threatened or just disturbed. So do I. Therefore, it is so important for me to find people capable of causing trust in me.

It makes sense for me to write in English.
When I speak or write in it, I'm more open, I'm more honest and less scared of what I'm saying. Moreover, it gives you an opportunity to hide your thoughts, as there are still many people who don't understand English)
English is kind of my little shelter.


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